Chapter 3: Information

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Many have wondered what secrets are hidden beneath the waves of the oceans. What worlds lie under its cold blue waters. And what animals call this unknown area home. Many stories have popped up over the years, tails of monster with teeth as sharp as blades, arms as long as ships, and beauties that lured men to their doom. For most, they have been chalked up as fake and myths, some... remain undecided. But for the Autobots, one 'fish-tail' has made it into the light of day.

Standing not to far from a medical berth, Optimus watched as his oldest companion tried, and in a way failing, to make the creature they had named Delphinus speak clearly. "Come on now, say it with me. Auto-bot!" Ratchet screamed as his temper was at its peak with this strange femme. Delphinus had been refusing to say another word for over three hours now, only staring off into space with her mind thinking on Primus knows what. "I give up Optimus. She wont say another word, not even a letter!" Ratchet huffed as he stormed past his leader to a computer to type in this situation.

"Perhaps you should try a different approach." Optimus said as he sat down next to the femme, who paid little thought to him as she found the table next to her interesting. Placing his servo on her shoulder, Optimus watched as Delphinus gave a quick twitch from his touch before looking at him with her blue glass like eyes.

"I know you can understand me," Optimus said calmly. "So please, talk to us." Delphinus seemed to think about it for a moment before she ran her servos through her cable hair. "T-this place... st-strange." she spoke out, almost like that of a young child locked in a dark room. "I guess it is." Optimus said as he looked around. "From what you are used to, many things must be strange."

Nodding her helm, Delphinus glanced at Ratchet. "That one m-mean." she said in a whisper but even still the medic could hear it. Smiling down at her, Optimus nodded before he looked back at his friend. "Yes, sometimes I guess he is." At hearing this, Ratchet gave off a loud huff and stormed out the room mumbling 'mean my aft!'

"W-where am I?" Delphinus asked as she tried to look out the door Ratchet had gone through. "Our base; our home." Optimus said as he stood up and held out his servo to Delphinus. "Would you like to see all of it?" Looking at his servo, Delphinus nodded before taking it. Pulling her into his arms, Optimus carried her out of the med-bay and into the main room where they soon found everyone else.

"I see you found a way to transport her for a bit." Arcee said from her side of the room, which was far enough from the stranger in her mind. "She wants to have a look around the base, so I am showing her." Optimus said as he felt Delphinus wrap her arms around his neck tightly. "There is nothing to be afraid of. We will not harm you." he said as he shifted her around so she could look at everyone. "Introduce yourselves."

For a moment no one moved, thinking if they should do what they were asked. Shrugging his shoulders, Bee walked forward and held out his servo. "Name's Bumblebee, but you can just call me Bee." A bit shocked to hear how his voice sounded, Delphinus slowly reached out her servo and took Bee's. "H-hi." she said and behind his face guard Bee smiled.

"My name's Bulkhead, but everyone just calls me Bulk." the large green mech said as he came over and waved his servo. "uh... sorry about wanting to shoot you." Not really sure what he meant by shoot, Delphinus nodded. Looking over at the blue femme, Delphinus stared for a moment before waving her servo at her. "Y-your name?" she asked but Arcee only looked away. "That would be Arcee." Ratchet replied from his computers. "Give her some time and she'll warm up to you."

Nodding her helm, Delphinus looked over at the humans who were standing on the platform. "Y-you?" she asked. "Jack, and this is Miko and Raf." Jack replied as he pointed to his friends. "Hi." Raf said as he gave a small wave, which Delphinus returned. "Hey Del!" Miko shouted as she smiled up at the femme. Smiling back, Delphinus couldn't help but like the energy this little thing had. It reminded her of the animals she lived with, who always wanted to play and swim around.

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