LunaTalk: The First Edition

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     You walked into the tavern, hearing the bustling noise of chatter and the soft clinks of mugs and utensils on the plates. Sitting down on a comfortable stool by the bar, you simply ordered a Gin Tonic from the dwarf behind the counter. He let out a hearty laugh as he served the ale, with a warning of "Aye, I bet you'll not be able to handle yerself after this one!" You shrugged him off with a smile, and drank some of the tonic.
     Had yerself a high consitution this time, did ye? The dwarf watched you take a gulp and laughed as you appeared fine. "So ye can take a drink, can ye lanky one? Good on ye!" He gave you a little more tonic in your mug, and went off to another customer who had sat on the far side of the counter. You heard people smile and greet someone who entered the tavern; A young lass with hair the color of the sun, with violet eyes. She waved and greeted people as she walked by, sitting in the stool next to yours.
     "Hey there! Your a new face, haven't seen you around." The girl smiled, and stuck out her hand.
     "Lunaria's the name. Nice to meet  you!" You smiled and shook her hand. She certainly had a bright personality to your standards.
     "Brendeck!" She called. The dwarf behind the counter came over. He already had what seemed to be a Gin Tonic in hand, and placed it on the counter. As you looked at him, the first thing you noticed was his extremely long and brown beard.
     "Lunaria! Good to see ye. Already had your ale prepared, thought you might head this way." He shook hands with Lunaria before walking off again with a grin.
     She took the mug and downed it in a considerable time. Your jaw gaped in shock; Was she supposed to be having ale? But she seemed obviously capable of handling it, as if she had before...
     "Oh, don't be suprised. Everyone can drink here! My favorite is the Gin Tonic, obviously for it's ability." You realized this entire time, the tonic had made it seem like there was a breeze blowing, making our hair flow and our clothes lightly ripple. You guess you might've made a face of realization, because Lunaria looked like she might've been stifling a laugh.
     "Haha! I guess you didn't know, then?" She lightly patted your shoulder, and sighed. She took another swig of Gin.
     "There's so much I want to tell you! But I guess it might have to wait. I think we have to go on another quest soon, so I better go get ready." You watched her get up, and asked who was 'we'.
     "Huh? Who am I talking about? That'll have to wait for a while!" She smiled at you, and started walking off. Before she let the door close, she turned and waved at you and the other people in the tavern. Brendeck, as she called him, walked towards you.
     "Ye don't know Lunaria? Shocker! Ye should get with the times, lad; She's pretty popular 'round here, and her friends. But ah, that can wait for another time." He took the mugs you and Lunaria had, and went to the kitchen. You sighed, and got up. You placed 8 dragons - no - gold on the table, and walked out of the tavern. This encounter gave you something to think about; You would definitely be back there again soon.

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