One Direction's Babysitter~ Chapter Seven

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Previously on One Direction's Babysitter.

"Don't strain you're self."Meghan said.

Wow this was going to take awhile

Meghan's P.O.V

Niall finally woke up,but he didn't seem to talkative,he probably wanted to say something but it came out as something else,the boys have all seen him since he woke up the next thing he said to us was "I'm hungry."Then me and Louis laughed a little not alot because we were still so happy Niall woke up.

Anyway the doctor's said he can be released from the hospital tomorrow,they found out that Niall was just allergic to jelly,which he or his parents never knew that's why the boys never knew either,but he was alright even though Louis still feels guilty about it he'll get over it from now on we shouldn't give him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches though because the doctor's still don't know if it was the jelly or the peanut butter.(if you can't figure that out then you're terrible doctor's)

"You ok Meghan?"Louis asked.

"Oh,yeah sorry just thinking."I said.

"You should eat though."Louis said.

"Fine I'll go get something to eat."I said.

There was really nothing good because there was no meat,Niall hated that. So I just got a pepsi (because they had no dr.pepper)and then two guacamole sandwiches and a scone,what they were good.

"I see you've got you're appitite back."He said.

"Yes,I do but poor Niall he needs meat now!!!"I said.

"I know he won't eat anything."Louis said.

"Let's go visit him after we're done eating."I said.

"Ok."He said.

Niall's P.O.V

I didn't want to eat any of this food,it was all junk I wanted my chicken and junk food back.

"Niall you need to eat."Liam said.

Oh yeah they were in here I forgot,Liam and Zayn were in here pestering me about how I should be eating.

"I'm not hungry."I murmered.

"*Gasps Niall not hungry?"Zayn asked.

"Oh shut up."I said.

At least my words were coming out right now yes =D,I don't know why I woke up when Meghan came in,the boys said they tryed the exact same thing,the doctor said it was because I care about her alot,and I thought about it and I guess I did care for her alot she was like a little sister to me.

"Niall eat you're food now!!"Liam yelled at me.

"Why would I do it if you yell at me?!?!?!"I asked.

"Because I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-

"I what?"I questioned.

"I don't know."He said.

"Where are Louis,Meghan and Harry?"I asked.

"Harry went home to take a shower,and Meghan and Louis are at the food court."Zayn said.

"I want to see Meghan and Louis."I whined.

"I'm pretty sure once there done eating they'll be up here."Liam said.

"How do you know?"I asked.

"Because before they went to the food court they said when they come back that they'll come see you."Liam said.

"Ok,i'll just wait for them."I said.

Meghan's P.O.V

"Are you done yet?"Louis asked.

"Yes,just need to finish this scone."I said.

"Hurry up!!!"Louis yelled.

"Ok,I get you want to see Niall and everything but you don't have to rush me like that if you stop rushing me then I'll eat faster."I said.

He thought it over a moment then we just sat there in silence while I finished my scone.

"Ok,i'm done let's go see Niall now."I said.

"Yay."He said pulling me.

"You don't need to run."I said.

Then he stopped running but was still holding onto my wrist,I didn't mind though he was just happy that we got to see Niall today...well again,we saw him before we went to the food court but Louis just felt like he needed to be with Niall 24/7 which was kind of fine with me.

"Hurry up slowpoke."Louis said getting me out of my daze.

I noticed he let go of my wrist and was way ahead of me that I had to jog/run sorta way.

"Louis slow down."I said.

"Fine."He said.

And I eventually caught up to him,then we went into Niall's room and Zayn and Liam left since there wasn't much room even though he was the only one in the room they knew we wanted privacy with him.

"Hey guys."Niall said.

"Why aren't you eating?"I asked him.

"Because it's disgusting."He said.

"You have to eat something."I said.

"Fine I'll eat the salad."He said.

"Why aren't you eating this salad Niall? You love salad."Louis said.

"When someone's constantly saying eat eat eat now now now at you would you want to eat?"Niall asked.

"But this looks good."I said looking at the salad and rool they gave him.

"You can have the wheat roll."He said.

"Thank's."I said accepting his gift.

"Now eat the salad."Louis said.

"Fine I will."Niall said.

I ate the roll and he ate the salad,he didn't complain while eating it eithier,like Liam said he would I think he likes me,as family I would've never thought that one direction like me as family but know they do all of them care for me,i'm just normal though how can they all like me as family? I'm just a normal thirteen year old.

A/N Hope you liked this chapter I worked really hard on it and love the support from all of you guys keep on voting and keep on commenting =D


So the video on the side is none other than the adventurous adventures of one direction this guy is hilarious you should watch the video XD I laughed so hard the first time I saw it and hes becoming way popular we just saw him in a magazine yesturday so he's becoming quiet popular =D


Oh and you can hate all you want on me I won't care haters will be haters but my real supporters should always come through for me and I love you guys *Hugs and if you want to say something speak up I really don't mind as long as you don't cuss =D

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