Why....just why

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Jay's POV

The end of the school year

Today was the last day of school for us,Zane only wanted to hang out with me for some reason but I didn't really care,we were waiting for our parents to come a pick us up from school when Zane wrote 'Jay,can I tell you something' "Sure what is it" I asked he wrote 'this may be the last time you see me' "WHAT!!! WHY!!!!" I yelled 'because......my mom.......want's to..........kill........me so my brother Echo is going to take care of me........i'm srry' he wrote this made me have tears coming down my eyes,but then he did something that shocked me forever.......

He hugged me so I hugged him back then my dad came to pick me up we said our last goodbyes and then I left

Then 10 years past

I was testing my new flying invention which turned to a big fail and that's when I met an old wise man named Sensei Wu and he told me if I would like to join his ninja team and I said yes and then he took me to see the other two that would join and I couldn't believe it.........my old friends are going to be ninjas too "JAY!!!!!" both Kai and Cole said "Kai,Cole!!!" I said.

5 weeks later

We were in the living room watching TV when we heard Sensei  saying "Hello I'm home" we all went to see Sensei and someone else "Ninja I would like you to meet your new team member" he said and when that's when I saw "him" he had beach color hair,icy eyes,pale skin,he was still short and shy from when we  first met and I that's when I yelled out his name "ZANE YOU"RE BACK!!!!!!!" he smiled at me and I hugged him he hugged back,then he said something that made me surprised "h-hello Jay" he can talk!?!?!?!?!?

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