first & last

9 2 0

speak right to the moon and maybe, your stories will be heard;
not by gods, or heathens but by she who whispers of the long gone past.

the lonefarer who walks in cities crowded; never-ending is her search,
"for what?" you ask, but you will never know if you never look, beyond your crooked looking-glass.

you will never understand her; the keeper of the dark.

she is a treasurer of broken people and their broken hearts.

the moon dims in her presence, so beauteous is her charm.

neither legend nor lore, she exists just as we are;
the offspring of time, keeper of secrets; she is a magician—a mistress of the dark.

don't bring her pain, don't bring her loathing and never distress,
help light her eternal hearth.

bless you, she will—move destinies to give you a life among the stars.

if you become the one to make her heart beat fast,
if you become
the first & last.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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