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if you wish to request a smut/ship, this is where you can leave them!

if you wish, you can also pm this account. i'll mark it as anonymous if you do it through pm unless stated otherwise.

requests left in the comments will not be anonymous, unless you wish it to be.

rules in order for your request to be written

1. vote on at least three different chapters of this book, i don't care which ones. why? because i feel like its an exchange between reader/writer. i'm helping you get off, you're helping this book get more reads. (wow, that was gross, i'm so sorry). 
-you don't have to follow me, but i would appreciate it if you did. most likely my followers requests will be published before those who don't follow me.

2. don't shit on my writing, i'm literally a beginner.

3. be patient and please don't spam me. thanks :)

here are some things you might want to include in your request, but you can simply comment 'percabeth' or 'solangelo' and that will be fine.



-au or pjo universe 

-type of au if you chose au

-character ages




-awkward moments


these are just examples, you can include as little or as much as you want in these.

but please!

do not get upset over the result. if your request was unspecific, it may be hard for me to satisfy your needs and your likings. if your request was very specific, it may be hard for me to incorporate everything. if you're unhappy with the result, just request another one and make a note about what could be better.

also, i will most likely take all requests, but i (rarely, although possible) may decline requests. there are no ships that i will 100% decline, except for all demigodxgod ships (that shit is fucking weird, i'm sorry) . i'll let you know if i decline it.

i may put some requests on 'standby' just because i feel like i could write it better if i was more inspired. i will also let you know if i'm saving it for later.

finally, i'm not going to update this book with a bunch of shitty chapters because i feel there are very specific moods you need to be in to write smut, whereas a lot of genres will turn out differently yet good in almost any mood. sorry, but this book is basically that quality over quantity shit.

remember to leave your requests here or to pm me! rarely will your request be written if you comment it on another chapter!

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