🌸Part 9🌸

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America's POV
I was in a dark room. Just walking. It seemed never ending. I heard whispers and screaming. I knew this was s bad dream and I wanted to wake up so bad but I couldn't. I knew I was crying. But quietly. So Russia wouldn't wake up. More screaming and whispers but this time louder. Then a flashback happened. In my past I was kidnapped and raped. By Mexico. He's a horrible and wicked person. A flashback of me being raped by him appeared. I was screaming. In the dream but also outside of it. Russia was surely awake now. I was sobbing. Rusame is a hard sleeper and wouldn't wake up. When Russia was gone I would cry for hours and he wouldn't wake up. Whispers like "Shut up slut" or "Yea? You like that?" They all sound like Mexico's voice. Russia knows about this. I woke up drenched in sweat covered with tears and in Russia's arms. I held onto Russia tight.
"Never ever leave me again." I said
"I won't. It's okay Love.." Russia's voice calmed me
"I'm here. Shh.... It's alright." He said
Yay! It's finished! Have fun not crying!

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