the moment

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!! A bit of yaoi is coming up, reader safety is advised. !!

No. POV.
Todoroki grabs midoryias arms that are around his body and puts it too his chest. He touches midoryias face gently and presses his lips onto midoryias.

Midoryia stops being tense and relaxes his body as the kiss goes on.
Todoroki slowly gets midoryias waist a pulls it towards his making their stomachs lightly touch through their t-shirts. Midoryia gives in a keeps going, todoroki doesn't mind this at all and they Continue with their session.

Todoroki pulls his lips away slowly, midoryia on the other hand heavily breathing.

Todorokis POV:
I did it. I kissed him on the lips, my first kiss now belongs to Izuku Midoryia.. but I want more—
No shoto!! Don't think these things !

Dekus POV:
did it really have to be over.. I enjoyed it so much I got carried away-
but.. my first kiss. It was.. lovely.

"Look midoryia.. I.. really.. really like you, if you don't like me back you can just say so-"

Deku grabs todoroki in for a French kiss.
"Does that answer your question?-"
"Sure does." Todoroki smirks

He whispers in dekus ear : "I'm a top.. you're a bottom. Don't forget that darling~" todoroki said in a "special" tone.


💕 HA-HAH- you thought it was goanna get Suppa yaoi WELL NOPE heh uwu
Make sure to go into the suggest area to suggest different tododeku fanfics for me to write!! 😚🥰🌸✨

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