Chapter 2 Part 4

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He quickly pulled me into his arms. I stared at his lips as he parted them to whisper something to me, but I could not wait any longer. With an impatient pull of his head, I brought his lips to mine and kissed him hungrily. Nidal pulled away from me.

"Did you miss me?" he asked me passionately.

"No." I lied.

He drew his head back and looked at me amused. "Liar."

He playfully tickled me until I cried from laughter.

So we spent our night, blissfully in each other's arms as our entangled bodies passionately tasted the fruits of love.

When I awoke the next morning, I noticed that Nidal was missing from the bed. I looked around the room, but he was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and closed my eyes, thinking of last night. My body burned with desire thinking of my lover's naked body on top of mine. My hand automatically went to my throat as I remembered the beautiful necklace Nidal had showered me with. It was very thoughtful of Nidal to remember my birthday and share it with everyone. I smiled, thinking I could not be happier as I was at this very moment.

I got out of bed and dressed into a simple pink gown with yellow trimmings at the bottom, thinking this gown was befitting for my mood right now. I was in love, and that was enough to make me swirl around with happiness. I was in my own happy little world and did not even hear the light tapping on the door as I danced around the room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the door open gently and Billal's head peek inside, staring right at me with a smile on his handsome face. Embarrassed, I looked at him and opened my mouth. Why did he open my door without asking first?

Annoyed, I waved at him to enter, knowing I could not stay mad at him for long. He was a good man, and I enjoyed his company. Billal came inside quickly and shut the door behind him. He walked up to me, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me softly on the cheek.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said cheerfully. He stepped back. "I am sorry to intrude on you like this, but I know that Nidal has gone to the village for some business, and I took a chance and came here to give you this." He pulled a gold bracelet out of his pocket. A charm, a gold heart, was hanging on it, and it was absolutely beautiful.

I was surprised that he would even think to give me a gift. I knew I could not accept a gift from Billal without some kind of retaliation from Nidal, but Billal took my right hand and clasped the bracelet on my wrist. The heart dangled elegantly as I raised my arm in the air and admired the bracelet.

"Happy birthday, Loula," he said softly.

What am I to do? Keeping this lovely gift means starting a war with Nidal. He would never allow me to keep it and would demand I give it back.

Billal must have noticed my change of heart. "Loula, please keep it as a token of our friendship. We are friends, are we not?" he asked, hopeful.

I sighed, knowing I would regret my decision one day. I hugged him. "Thank you, 'tis a lovely gift, and I will treasure it."

Pleased with my response, Billal smiled from ear to ear.

"I must get back to work. I have a million and one things to do today. Enjoy your day my lady." He said, with a twinkle in his eyes as he turned gracefully and exited the room.

I lifted my hand and admired the bracelet, knowing I had to take it off and hide it before Nidal came back, for I knew that he would be enraged if he saw it. I walked over to the bed, sat on it, and unclasped the bracelet. I examined the beautiful item as it shined in my hands. At that moment, I heard footsteps outside my door, and I quickly hid the bracelet underneath my pillow, afraid that someone might see it.

Nidal walked in the room, and I was pleasantly pleased to see him. I ran to his arms and threw myself at him. The bracelet was quickly forgotten. My prince wrapped his arms around me and held on to me for dear life. When our lips met, no words were needed. It was magical as always. Nidal swept me up in his arms and took my breath away as he laid me tenderly on the bed and took my clothes off my heated body. Recklessly, I pulled his shirt over his head and untied the string to his pantaloons as Nidal kicked off his boots. His hands skillfully caressed my entire body, igniting a fire within me that threatened to explode. I felt him hard and ready and held my breath, knowing he would enter me and take me to heights of passion that would have me screaming his name for mercy.

Nidal pushed hard inside me, breathing heavily as he called out my name hoarsely. "Loula!" he cried passionately.

He pushed harder and faster and moaned and groaned, and everything inside me exploded. Liquid fire coursed throughout my entire body as I trembled in ecstasy. I felt Nidal's hold on me tighten as he also reached his peak. As he slowed down and relaxed his body on top of mine, our eyes met and locked, and his lips came crashing down on mine.


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