Chapter 1

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The picture is how Tae looks in the story^^

Taehyung softly sang along under his breath to the beautiful hymn the choir was singing. Their voices were like honey in his ears and the meaning behind every word they sang touched his heart as he was once again reminded how great Jesus was.

He looked around the gigantic room and noticed his parents and a lot of elder people wiping away their tears. He wondered why they were so sad. He only felt happiness when he attended church every Sunday and asked for God's blessing and protection. He felt closer to God here than anywhere else. Even though he prayed every night before bed and whenever he faced any problem, he still felt the most peaceful in church.

He hummed along to the rest of the hymn and watched people greeting each other when it ended. It was time to go home. But he and his parents always left a little late because others wanting to shake his parents' hands. When he was younger he didn't really question this but last year he asked his parents why everyone treated them as if they were special.

He proudly watched as people who had once been helped by his parents came by and still thanked them even though it had been months or years. He wished to grow up and be like them. To be able to help and be relied upon and for God to love him even more.

His parents were associated with the main Church in their city. They were approached by people who felt as if their house was haunted by an evil spirit and his parents went to investigate. They had blessed and performed exorcisms on many people and houses and everyone of them were successful. That was the reason they had gained trust by a lot of people and were often invited on tv shows.

Every Wednesday, Taehyung knew he would be eating dinner alone because his parents delivered lectures and held conferences for people who were interested or faced any problems. They preached the message of God and tried to attract people to the right path. Taehyung thought about how lucky he was that he was born in this house surrounded by people who guided him and taught him about God. He was always very thankful about this.

"Taehyungie, did you pray?" His mother asked him with a smile, caressing his hair. Taehyung nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes, mom." He got a pat on his head for it. His mother bent down to be on eye level with him.

"Darling, you will have to go home with the driver alone today. Dad and I have to go fight the monsters." Taehyung felt his heart dip at that. He was always proud of his parents and he waited anxiously for them to come home and tell him everything when they were away. But he wanted to spend time with them today. Maybe go for lunch and tell them how his history teacher had praised him and show them his monthly school report.

His mother must have noticed the change in his mood because she smiled sadly at him.

"I'm sorry, darling. But these people need our help." She said, and Taehyung immediately wanted to scold himself. He could get his parents' attention any time, but these people needed their immediate help.

"I'm not sad, mom! Just come back quickly." He pouted, throwing his arms around her. He hadn't noticed his father standing behind her but then he patted Taehyung's hair fondly.

"You're such a good boy, Taehyung. One day you can join us too." His father said, making a big smile break out on his face.

"Really? I can?" He asked, his eyes glinting with excitement as his parents nodded. He felt as if all the sadness at seeing his parents go disappeared within seconds.

Just then, Father Jung Hwan appeared and asked to talk to his parents. He was one of the priests in the church and he had been here ever since Taehyung could remember. He was really nice and gave Taehyung chocolates whenever he stayed behind to wait for his parents.

"Taehyung-ah, it feels like every time I see you, you're even taller." He exclaimed, his eyes crinkling as he smiled.

"I'm the same as last week, Father. You just forgot." Taehyung giggled.

"Oh right, I'm old so I keep forgetting things. But I do remember that our Taehyungie is turning eleven in two months." He said.

"Yes, you're right!" Taehyung said, giving him a thumbs up, awed that the priest remembered this detail about him.

His parents watched fondly but the time for them to leave was slowly approaching and they still had things to discuss with Father Jung Hwan.

"Darling, it's time to go home." His mother reminded him. He nodded at them, hugging both of them in turns before taking his father's hand who led him outside the Church towards their car.

He realized he wasn't upset anymore at all. He would soon join his parents in getting rid of hell's monsters and Father Jung Hwan even remembered his birthday.

His father made sure he was sitting comfortably before shutting the door and saying goodbye.

"Don't forget to pray before lunch and dinner, okay?" He reminded him.

Of course, Taehyung wouldn't forget. He never did. He always felt as if God was one of his friends, his best one. Whenever he prayed to him, he found himself wishing for anything and everything and he could share all his little problems with him and then he felt light. He didn't tell this to anyone though.

His stomach suddenly rumbled, making him wonder what Harin noona must have made for lunch today. She has also been working at his house ever since he could remember. There were two others too but they cleaned and left but Harin noona was always there. Taking care of Taehyung when his parents were out and cooking the most delicious things for him.

When the car stopped in front of his house, his eyes widened as they fell upon a figure sitting on the steps leading to the front door. He gasped and immediately threw open the door to run towards his best friend, Jimin.

"Jiminie!" Taehyung said, before sitting beside his best friend who seemed to be playing with two toy cars. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you." Jimin smiled at him, getting up to go inside the house.

"You could have waited inside. What if I'd gone for lunch with my parents? Would you have waited hours for me?" Taehyung asked, shaking his head at his friend.

He had asked Jimin multiple times to go to church with him but the other boy didn't really care about God or Jesus and neither did his parents. He always prayed for his best friend.

"I had nothing else to do. Plus, I wanted to play with the new video game your parents bought for you."

"That's the only reason you came here, didn't you?" Taehyung asked as the wonderful scent of pasta filled his nose and he distractedly looked towards the kitchen.

"Yup." Jimin admitted shamelessly, also hurriedly walking towards the kitchen because of the wonderful smell.

"Oh, Taehyung-ah you're home? And Jimin's here too?" Harin noona asked as she wiped one of the counters. "Why don't you both go play in your room and I'll set everything up so you can eat?"

They didn't waste a minute and ran to Taehyung's room where the boy told Jimin how he would be able to help his parents catch demons too.

Jimin found this fact incredibly cool and asked Taehyung if he could ever accompany him and watch to which the boy agreed. He had God by his side so he wasn't afraid of anything. He would always protect Taehyung, his parents and Jimin because he was just kind like that.

Taehyung was even more excited to grow up now.

Hope you like the first chapter!! 

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