Chapter 2

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Taehyung had long learned that performing exorcisms and blessing houses wasn't really something to be excited about. It meant there was another soul or a home that was invested by demons and spirits and it depended on his parents to get rid of it. With him being seventeen now, the priest had allowed his parents to take Taehyung with them to little missions though this was his first time actually witnessing an exorcism. He had only seen videos and pictures of some until now.

He had always believed that there was nothing to fear except God and that as long as he was on the right path, nothing evil could touch him. However, since the first time he accompanied his parents, Taehyung realized that the cold feeling you get when you know that you're standing in a place infested with evil is way beyond what he ever imagined.

He remembered his first time clearly, the shivers, the way his throat had clogged up and his heart had sped up so much he was afraid he'd need to go to the hospital. That feeling never really went away but Taehyung learned to mask it with time. He did not want to disappoint his parents, Father Jung Hwan or God.

But Taehyung couldn't help the shivers that ran down his spine or the feeling of dread threatening to choke him as he watched his parents recite the verses that were printed on the front of his mind, loudly. Their voices roared throughout the room making it hard to hear or focus on anything else as the old book shelf in the basement of the house shook with books falling off of it, and the windows rattled thunderously making Taehyung want to smash them and he was sure the floor was shaking and it wasn't just him who was panicking so hard.

He was here only to observe as he wouldn't be allowed to perform actual exorcisms for a long time still as he still needed the proper training. His parents had told him how the devil they were trying to catch and expel today had the most powerful aura they had ever felt and that Taehyung needed to buckle up for this night. Out of the numerous scenarios Taehyung had thought of, this wasn't anything like any of them. This was something he could never have thought of.

He clutched his necklace with the cross tightly in one hand that he was afraid it would start bleeding, while one of his arms was tightly wrapped around him. Even with fear being his surface emotion, he felt pride bloom in his chest as he watched his parents continuing to try to capture the demon.

" Give place to Christ in Whom you have found none of your works; give place to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church acquired by Christ at the price of His Blood !"

He swallowed as his father continued blasting the words he knew by heart and didn't deter despite the chaos surrounding him. Taehyung was standing right outside the threshold of the basement as his parents had told him not to enter the basement at any cost.

Suddenly, the coffin that his parents always binded the demons into started to shake uncontrollably and Taehyung was sure it would explode.

"We got him!" His mother shouted at his father who nodded but continued reciting the verses to pacify the demon.

Taehyung leaned forward a bit trying to see more clearly as the rattling in the room picked up and the coffin continued to shake maniacally and for a few seconds, Taehyung forgot what silence even was. He shut his ears pressing tight as a piercing sound invaded the room and he involuntarily sat down on the floor as his legs gave out. He was breathing harshly and he could hear the sound of his rapid breaths in his ears as he tried to stop himself from trembling.

He felt a hand in his hair then making him snap open his eyes as he reflexively scrambled back. But he calmed down when he realized it was only his mother.

"Taehyung, it's calmed down for now. You can relax." She said, lightly touching his hair again.

Taehyung looked at the basement then and watched as his father sprinkled a bottle of holy water on the coffin and said some verses to keep the demon in under his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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