Hard Workout

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Sheamus invites (Y/N) to be part of a Celtic Warrior Workout video and he takes the excuseto be super flirty/touchy with her. (Y/N) gets flustered and Sheamus comes by to apologize for being so forward.

Sheamus had invited you, a couple of days ago, to be a part of his regular Celtic Warrior Workout videos. You loved the videos, they're so funny and entertaining, and everyone was just so laidback and simple during them.

So you were super excited when Sheamus invited you to be his next guest. Except for the fact that you had a slight crush on the man. Well, guess you had to put that aside for awhile.

You're taking a last look at yourself and your outfit on the mirror in the gym's locker room. You had decided to wear your new dark blue leggings matched with a white sports bra, and you feel so good and confident in your outfit. Damn, you look good.

You make your way outside the locker room, quickly spotting Sheamus. He's leaning against the wall, a towel resting on his shoulder, as he scrolled through his phone.

"I'm ready!" You say excitedly when you near him, making him jump.

"Jeez, you scared me." He chuckles, placing his free hand over his chest dramatically. You punch him in the arm playfully, earning a sweet smile from him. "I'm glad to see you're excited though."

"I am!" You grin. "Shall we do this or what?" You ask, looking back as you walk a few feet ahead of him.

"Uh yeah- yeah, let's do this." He stutters slightly, scratching his head nervously as his eyes traveled down your body. You could swear he was checking you out, but you shrugged it off.

A couple of minutes after you've started your workouts, Sheamus started complimenting you. He's really nice. But it took every fiber in you not to blush like an idiot.

"Your body, (Y/N)... it's just perfect. Really. You must put a lot work in it."

"Uh, yeah, I do. Thank you." You reply, avoiding his gaze as you're feeling so embarrassed.

After a while, Sheamus is still smoothly checking you out. You can tell he's trying to stop himself, but somehow he can't bring himself to. You wonder why.

"I think, uh, I think I'm doing this exercise wrong." You stop your motions, turning to look at him. "My back's reacting weirdly to it."

"Do it again so I can see."

And so you did. And it hurt again.

"Yeah, you're doing it wrong. Here, let me show you." Sheamus offers nonchalantly. So he just goes and does it himself while you looked at him, trying to figure out what you were doing wrong. Ending up noting how fine he was as well. "Ok, now it's your turn." And there you go, trying again. "It's better, but you're still not doing it well. It'll hurt you."

Suddenly, Sheamus is behind you, and just placed his hands on your hips. It took you completely by surprise.

He clears his throat tensely before speaking. "Uh, okay. I think it's just your posture that's incorrect. So, you have to keep your back straight, like this..." He moves his hand to your back, angling it as he's teaching you. You're praying he doesn't notice the chills his touch just created on your skin. "And then you just squat and grab the weights, pull them up, squat again and get them down again. Get it?"

You're about to reply as you start to squat, but the words get caught in your throat as you brush your ass against Sheamus' bulge. You couldn't tell for sure, but it seemed half-hard already.

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