Part 2

766 39 26

Word count: 2878

The strong smell of other hybrids scents took over Izuku's nose. He hated places like this.

The walls were mostly plain, some posters about health and other things dotted around. Colour seemed drained from the building, the halls lifeless aside from a cat hybrid cradling a crying baby in her arms.

Izuku shuffled the pads of his feet along the bench he was sat on, costumed for larger bodied hybrids such as himself. He didn't like how this place felt. Too many things he wasn't familiar with.

Beside him, Katsuki lent back, arms crossed over his chest and eyes closed. He seemed relaxed, but there was a small hint of worry that tinged his scent. It was so faint Izuku almost missed it.

"Midoriya Izuku?"

The boys both perked up and turned to look at the voice. A petite woman dressed in plain clothes stood in the doorway to their left, a welcoming smile on her face. She beckoned them in and they both got up in unison and followed her into the room.

"It's nice to see you have a friend for support," the woman smiled, "I see too many omegas coming in here with no alpha or support in the picture."

Izuku glanced over at Katsuki; the other hybrid was frowning. He cleared his throat and chuckled awkwardly, "yeah, erm..."

"Oh, sorry, I get too excited about my job sometimes. Why don't you hop the table and we can start?" the nurse patted the fresh sheet layed over the examination bed. She turned around and started washing her hands thoroughly as Izuku crawled up onto the bed.

"So," the nurse spun back around and began prodding and running her hands down the side of Izuku's abdomen, "I have a few questions for you, but don't worry if you can't answer them all."

"Okay," Izuku murmured. He squeaked as the nurse put her hand underneath his abdomen and Katsuki instantly rushed to his side. She ignored him as he took ahold of the omegas hand.

"How many siblings do you have?"

"I'm an only child."

"And what about the alpha?"

"Only child," Katsuki answered instinctively, freezing when the nurse's head shot up and gave them a shocked look.

Izuku looked down, face burning. He didn't want to see the judging look on the nurses—

She started squealing. Izuku and Katsuki both looked at each other, then at her, confusion clear on both their faces.

"I've heard of different species breeding before but never anything like this!" She giggled, "oh, this is so exciting!"

"It is?" Katsuki's eyebrows knit and he looked at the nurse skeptically.

She nodded excitedly, "of course! Oh, and don't worry about any weird combination of species. The babies will be the same as the omega, just with a variety of alpha's genes, like hair or eye colour."

Izuku sighed in relief. He wouldn't deny that that had been one of his biggest worries about this whole thing. They would be safe. He smiled to himself and squeezed Katsuki's hand.

"There they are!" the nurse cheered as she groped the upper part of Izuku's abdomen. "Yep, just like I expected. There's only one egg, but it feels healthy," she stepped back and washed her hands again. "How long since you conceived?"

Izuku looked up at Katsuki again, "uh, a little over a month?" Katsuki shrugged.

The nurse giggled, "it's okay if you're not exactly sure. By the size of the egg now I expect it to be ready within five months. By then you should be feeling the urge to start the egg sack, and the egg will come out shortly after. I'm sure you know the stages after that?" Izuku nodded. "Perfect! Well, that's all I need to do. Any questions?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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