Chapter 6: Want My Number Then?

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They got back to Chase's motorhome as he made sure the door locked behind them as Jess watched Chase come up the stairs and pin her against the wall. His lips locked with hers in a passionate kiss as she tangled her hands through his hair. He was sweaty from the race, but she didn't give a shit at the moment. His hands moved down her body, eventually ending up at her shorts. "Off," he groaned. Jess unbuttoned her shorts and let them fall to the floor. She yanked Chase's shirt above his head as it fell to the floor. The rest of the clothes followed suit as they ended up in Chase's bedroom, falling onto the bed. His lips felt like they were leaving searing marks down Jessica's body and she had no idea where this feeling was coming from. His fingers reached her entrance and he inserted one. Jess let out a moan. His lips found hers as his body pinned her to the bed. "Shit," she moaned as she felt herself let go. "You're ready for me," he groaned in her ear. Jess caught her breath as Chase took his length in his hand and thrust into her. "Fuckkkk," he groaned in his southern drawl. He had just started, but the way he talked, about put Jess over the edge. She lifted her hips to meet his movements as he picked up his pace. He found her spot and she dug her nails into his back as she let her organism crash around her. She felt him getting sloppy and soon reached his own release inside her. He fell beside her in the bed. She turned over on her side to look at him. "That was hot," she said. He gave her that smile. "Yes ma'am it was."

The next morning Jess woke up to the sound of someone moving around in the living room. She got out of bed and pulled her clothes on to find Chase sitting at his table eating cereal. "Morning sunshine." Jess gave a little wave and sat opposite him at the table. "Guess you're leaving soon," she said. Chase nodded. "Well guess it was fun while it lasted?" she asked with a smile. He finished his bite. "I hope not," he answered. Jess rolled her eyes. "Chase, I got lucky on this article so I probably won't be back at the racetrack and plus you don't live here," she said, getting up from the table and over to her bag. Chase got up and didn't say a word as he washed his bowl and then came over to where Jess stood. "Look Jess. I know you think I'm some playboy who doesn't give a shit which girl is in my bed night after night, but I do. I want to see you again, if you'll let me. She gave him a questioning look. "Does this mean you want my number?" she asked. Chase smiled at her and kissed her.

Jess was cleaning her apartment later when Chase sent her a text.

Made it home pretty girl. Talk to you later.

Glad to hear it. :)

About that time, her phone began to ring and she saw it was her best friend Kristen. "Hi Kristen," she said, putting the phone on speaker phone. "Hi stranger," Kristen replied. "What's up?" "I'm off today so I'm just cleaning the apartment," Jess said. "Oh that sounds like fun. So how was the race this weekend?" she asked. "Well..." Jess started. "Ok spill," Kristen replied. "I interviewed Chase Elliott and well he invited me back to watch the race in person. See that it's more fun in person. "And?" she asked. "Well I ended up sleeping with him the day after the interview and then left him the next morning. I tried to avoid him on race day, but he found me and then asked me to spend the night with him. I think he wants to see me again." "Are you fucking kidding me?" Kristen asked. "I swear," she said. "Holy shit Jess. You haven't jumped into bed with anyone like that in a long time. What the hell changed?" Kristen asked. "I don't know girl. He was charming and well I guess my ass fell for it, but hell he was fucking amazing in bed." "Well, well," Kristen replied. "Someone's got a thing for a NASCAR driver. Oh wait sorry NASCAR's most popular driver." "I'm terminating this conversation," Jess said. "Ok well love you girl," Kristen said. "Love you too." Jess hit end and sat down on her couch. Was she looking to just hook up with Chase or was she hoping he'd actually want to date her? 

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