Are you calling me sinner?

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"Taehyung please, let's go to the club tonight I promise you won't be bored" my friend gave me a little wink.

"Ugh fine" I said with no emotion in my voice

I bet you're wondering how I got into this situation well it started when I walked into college.

It was early in the morning, mom yelling at dad saying hes worthless, threatening to kick him out, it happens everyday so I'm honestly use to stuff like that.

It really effects the way I act, especially in school, I don't get good grades, relationship are kinda lame and I ditched half of my friends. So theres nothing I can do anymore unless I move out, which I cant because I have nowhere to stay at.

I walk inside the building I personally call a hell hole. No I'm not depressed I'm just not interested in this.

Theres always girls staring at me, flirting with me, touching my tight. I'm not really into that. I'm gay, I've been gay for who hows long, the only person that knows about my secret is my bestfriend jimin hes straight so I dont have to worry about him trying to get inside my pants.

"TAEHYUNG-ISH"  I hear by bestfriend with his high pitch voice ring in my ears

"Yes?" I answer with a monotone voice.

"Do you want to maybe hang out later, there's this new club that just opened up, I was thinking you and me could maybe relieve our streets in more ways then one" he playful winks while saying that

I know he doesnt mean hooking up with me, he means hooking up with other people

"No" I say straight forward.

"Taehyung please, let's go to the club tonight I promise you won't be bored" my friend gave me a little wink.

"Ugh fine" I said with no emotion in my voice

This is where the real stories beings.

As class ends jimin and I walk back to my apartment to start getting physical and emotional (well for me) ready for the "fun" night.

It won't be fun for me since I'm usually the one that doesn't drink, jimin on the other hand can have 4 shots and he'll be partying until next week.

I laugh at my inner thought.

"Tae we have to be there at 9pm that's when the real fun happens"


As 9pm hits we make it to the club in our gucci clothes, hair slicked back, tight pants to show off our thick thighs.

Jimin already left me to go hunt and drink, I just hope he comes home the next day with someone hanging off his arm unlike last time.

I walk to the bar order a marijuana (yes that's a real drink I saw it ok tik tok) 

As the night went on at least 4 girls came up to me and try to hit on me, I had to let them down gently, 3 out of the 4 girls understood I wanted nothing to do with them. The 4th one slapped me because I didnt want to sleep with her.

I decided why not have some fun, I am in a club after all.

I head over to the dande floor and start dancing, well try to start dancing.

After 10 mins I felt a hand on my waist his hips swaying with mine. At first I thought it was jimin

"Jimin how many times have i told you, I'm gay and you're straight back off" I say in the nicest way I can.

"Baby I'm not "jimin" I'm jungkook" he says as he gently bite my ear lobe.

My breath hitched, this was the 1st time a man has ever had any interest in me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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