Harley Update- 2

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We think someone took him.

Harley is a very sweet, loyal dog. We have left him out overnight, and he always comes back. Even if he does run away, he ALWAYS comes back in like 15 minutes.

Not this time. When we saw that he was missing, we went outside and searched. We rode up and down the streets, looking everywhere.


We went door to door on our street asking people.


And trust me, it's not like they're just hiding him and lying to us. Whenever someone knocks on the door, he barks. He would see us, and run to us. He always barks even when we open the door to our room.

We called the pound, and they didn't have him. We put up posters earlier.

Let me just say one thing.

If you find a dog, and just take them in, and don't even report that you found a dog, don't put up posters, don't go to the pound...

Than you are a rude person. I appreciate if you take care of him, but please don't take my dog away.

Report that you found a dog, take a picture and put up posters.

Just let me have my dog back.

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