Chapter 2: The Borderlands

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   It took her no time at all to reach the Borderlands, because there was no such thing as time in Nedril Moreth. All she needed to do was think about where she wanted to go, and there she was. 

     A demon was waiting for her, and he was not as polite as Storn. “Hello, you black-haired—“

     “Stop right there, hellspawn. You know what I can do,” she said.

     The demon cringed and cowered. He said in a mewling voice, “The General is waiting at the Oaks.”

     The girl thought about that for a split second, and then she was moving in the direction of the 7 huge old oak trees. Then she was there, and there was no turning back. He’d seen her, and he walked toward her with purposeful strides, reaching out with his arms as if to gather her into them.

     She stepped back. “Don’t touch me.” She said it in a cold, flat voice that brooked no arguments. 

     “Eth yein,” he said, “Do not be that way anymore. You know I—“

     “I know. You only did what you were contracted to do, and you had to, and blah, blah, blah,” she sneered, “My love. Hah! That’s a laugh.” 

     “Look, y—“

     “Just tell me what the job is, Prick, and never mind all the lovey-dovey bullshit. I don’t believe you anymore. We’re done. We’re through. Get that through your thick skull. And after this job you want done, I want nothing more to do with you. I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but I am the daughter of—“   This time she was the one interrupted.

     “I know whose daughter you are. I know you hate me, and I know I deserve it,” he said. “The job is a couple of demons that were following that higher level Demoness you killed. They are going around Earth and causing all kinds of chaos and problems. I need you to cast them back to Hell.”

     “Okay. I’ll do it, if you just leave me alone and never speak to me again. Don’t send messages; don’t mention me; don’t even think about me.” She saw him opening his mouth to protest. “I mean it, Prick. Not even a thought after those two are back in your army, or wherever in Hell they’re supposed to go. Got it?”

     The General just looked at her for a few moments, and then he gave a slow nod. “Alright. If that’s the way you want it.”

     She nodded in her turn. “That’s the way I want it. Now, what do they call themselves?”

     He hesitated. “Do you want their Earth names, or their true names?”

     “Both, of course. And how do I find them? How long do they stay in one place? I need details, Prick.”

     He sighed in exasperation. “I wish you would stop calling me that. Their Earth names are Malcolm Holden and Zachary Nichols. Those are the two humans they’ve possessed. I’ve put their true names on this parchment. Don’t look at it until you get back to Earth. They stay long enough in one place to cause a bunch of havoc and then go on to the next place. You can probably scry for them.”

     She took the paper from him, careful not to let their fingers touch. “Alright. I’ll get it done. I’m going to see the Sevit before I go back. Good-bye, Prick.”

     “Good-bye.” He seemed about to say something more, but she gave him a warning look, turned around, and walked away.

     She shook her head. Why in all of the realms would he be so worried about a couple of demons? He could have gotten rid of the problem himself, but he called on her instead.

     Then again, apparently these demons had been followers of Exxus, and that one was worse than the devil himself. There had to be another reason. She knew how manipulative General Mizrule Surogou was. There had to be more to these demons than he’d said.

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