Valentine's Special

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So, um, Happy Valentine's day to all you lovely gems out. I am personally single, and if you are to, then it's a day of reminding you that you're probably forever alone. Eh, welp! Let's get to it!

(This is going to be some scenarios/headcannons about (M/N) and some characters of Haikyuu so there are going to be SFW for all the characters and NSFW for a certain few that I believe would work out, just slight mentions of that, but nothing serious.)

(It's also only going to be third years from different schools, also very gay most likely but my bisexual ass will definitely be just giving myself probably fan-service instead)


°very straight forward and will just go up to (M/N)'s classroom and give him a flower and chocolates while blushing slightly

°the class is quaking on how cute it was

°the sweet class giant was getting some love

°(M/N) was very red and yeah

°may have overheated/ blew a fuse

°(he definitely did)

°after school and practice, they went over to (M/N)'s place to go cuddle

°just a very sweet and simple Valentine's day for the two


°would go up to (M/N) very blushy during a break while giving him a box of homemade chocolate

°would give in private

°definitely would not give in public with both being sweet beans

°would be more affectionate than normal

°would hold (M/N)'s hand while walking home

°probably would give a kiss to him when they reach someone's home

°just beans


°these two sweet giants

°I can't even

°they're too shy to do PDA or even give anything to each other

°(M/N) would probably make the first move and just give Asahi some flowers

°would definitely cuddle with each other in Private

°i don't even know who would be the big spoon or the little spoon

°its hard to tell

°they probably would have a sleepover just because one of them fell asleep while cuddling



°definitely would be the one to skip school just to spend Valentine's day with (M/N)

°very much PDA

°would tell (M/N) to meet at a cafe after school since he knows that his little (N/N) (definitely not little) wouldn't skip school

°would give small "gifts" throughout the "date"

°(more like suggestive items)

°would go home with him to cuddle, but turns into something else

°i think we all know

°this bed head cat, is a kinky boy

°Cat=Top Crow=Bottom

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