Chapter 1

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Third Person POV:

Elliot groaned, sitting up. The sudden light from the open barred over window decided to directly target his eyes. The racket of Elliot getting up and grumbling, proceeded to wake up Ray and David, who were both fairly light sleepers.

"Ellie...oh my god go back to sleep... you're so loud." Ray complained.

"No! You're just a light sleeper."

David just sighed as the brothers continued to bicker. He sat up, though they were all kidnapped and shoved into a giant cell.. And they were tested on frequently, they at least got decent mattresses, sheets, and meals. Which was surprising.. There wasn't a lot of food, but it wasn't horrid food that'd make you vomit looking at it. Or maybe that was the goal. Make it look good and be good for the body, so they have to live through this pain longer. There also wasn't a lot of room, but compared to how they'll shove up to 15 people in one cell, everyone agrees they're lucky.

Once Elliot and Ray decided to stop bickering, they made their beds a little bit and stretched. They had a small toilet in the corner, and a small.. Barely shower worthy "shower" it was just a hose that hung from the wall, and there was a drain with some alright soap. It wasn't good, but I guess it's better than nothing. David was sitting under the hose, before turning it off and grabbing one of the 3 towels sitting on the floor. He picked one up and wrapped it around himself, before shaking his head like a dog. There was a sudden yelp, and Cassandra sat up, wiping her face, "David!"

He jumped and sped to the other side of the room where he swiftly got into his old clothes, and hid behind Ellie.

"Uh-uh! I'm not your shield!" Ellie said, and moved away, right as Cassandra stood up and began to walk over.

"Get him Cassy!" Ray cheered, but made sure not to wake the child nor the Countryhuman sleeping in the corner.

Cassy leaped over to David and slapped him on the cheek, though it wasn't hard. Cassy huffed, and walked over to her mattress that was laid next to her daughters.

From across the room, an audible groan was heard, "You guys wake up so early.." It was noticed to be the Countryhuman himself, America.

"Ame, the sun is literally out."

"Nobody has come by? Must be a day off..."

Suddenly, across the room a quiet "mmm Ray!" was heard. A small child ran up to Ray and grabbed his leg, "Aww, mornin' Aly!" Ray said and bent down to tickle Alysson, the 6 year old child that lived with them. Her mother, Cassandra has been here for 6 years, something happened, probably some testing, and she became pregnant. Cassy has been stuck in this horrid place for 6 years, David around 7 months, Ray, Ellie and America have been there for a week or 2. America chuckled and stretched, walking to the cell door. He sighed, obviously deep in thought.

"Hey.. what's wrong?" Ellie said.

America jumped slightly, but said to his trusted friend, "It's just.. What if nobody is looking for me? None of the other Countryhumans ever really liked me..."

"Don't say that, even if they don't, I'm sure your father is.. France and Canada, plus all of your states! Now enough moping lets go play with Aly while we wait for something interesting to happen."

Soon enough the day was over, and everyone crawled into bed and drifted to sleep.


Short but its here! If you see any spelling or Grammar mistakes, don't be afraid to let me know! Goodbye!

589 words.

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