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It is hot and it is sticky to not know where you belong.
When you are taken away from your family.
When you are forced to pretend you are totally at peace with this.
Inside you feel a fire that might never end.
Inside you feel your emotions stick to every little thing.
It is hot and it is sticky when you are forced to move again.
When you are moved in with a woman you feel would rather have you dead.
It is hot and it is sticky when you don't know who you are.
When feeling like you are something but then again you are not.
It is hot and it is sticky to feel like all hope is lost.
When you see nothing for you and your soul feels like it's almost gone.
It is hot and it is sticky to sit and watch the time tick on.
To wait for your life to end or for you to finally get along.
It is hot and it is sticky when your anger takes control of you.
When everything with bursting up and the tears they just won't stop.
It is hot and it is sticky when you feel like giving up.
When you feel like there is nothing you can do and might as well end it all.
It is hot and it is sticky to hear his voice on call.
Clearly he is panicking and clearly he won't stop.
It is hot and it is sticky when you feel like you may have lost. When you fought your right and nobody dies yet you are left at the end of the line.
It is hot and it is sticky to feel such love when gone.
When I am about to give up and he is going about how much he loves me.
It is hot and it is sticky to not know what to do.
When one part wants you dead and the other one wants your soul lifted.

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