Kenzie Salvatore

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 “OMG! Where did you put my hair clip Kenzie!!’’ Yelled Lola, “I didn’t touch it!” snapped Kenzie. “Now because of you we are going to be late for school and I can’t leave without my hair clip!” “Oh it’s just a silly old hair clip and your hair looks perfect as always!” “I know it looks perfect but it needs a finishing touch, and an accessory would do just that!”. “Is this what you have been looking for girls?” Said their Mother relived. “Oh um, I must have left it in the car when I was fixing up my hair, sorry Kenzie”. “Arghhhh, you are such a drama queen Lola!, Stop accusing me of taking your stuff!, What would I want to do with your lame hair clip!, I have soccer to worry about!” girls, girls please stop fighting and get in the car, we are already late as it is!” Wait… this isn’t the start of the story lets go back to where it all began, hi my name is Kenzie Salvatore and I am a 15 year old average girl who is in year 10 at Blackburn High School, I have a sister named Lola and we look alike… well you could say that we look identical because we are twins, well we may look alike but oh boy are our personalities different I’m very sporty and not in to much girly things unlike my sister Lola, she is the definition of a PRINCESS,

She likes all things girly and nothing but the colour pink. Now lets get back to the story!. “Ok mum” yelled both girls and we where off to school. As soon as we arrived all the students greeted us… and by us I mean just Lola and pushed me to the side but that didn’t bother me, it happens all the time, unlike Lola I am very unpopular with only a couple of friends who are in fact boys, it’s not that anyone bullies me its just that pretty much nobody talks to me ever but I don’t mind, I’m to worried about Soccer, I really want to get in to the All Star’s Camp where scouts get to see you play and if they think your good enough, you could make the top 20 and travel to Spain! Which would be my dream, and to top it all off, you get to watch FC Barcelona and Real Madrid play in the Santiago Bernabéu which is the biggest stadium in Madrid!. But I don’t think I will make it in, my coach says I am very talented but I’m anxious that I won’t be good enough and plus I will have to compete against over 1,000 girls!!, There will be some tough competition, but I’m not going down without a fight for a place in the top 20!, I will practice every night and train real hard!.

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