Just some random thoughts #1

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So by now you have seen the title (obviously) but I'll just post my random thoughts here every so often.

Though something I would love to do would be making books that just have all the right feelings and moments to inspire to bring suspense and create a masterpiece of a story, which is pretty hard from what I've seen, most people try to put in details or their own signature touch but either it's too much or too little and the story for me feels just so empty after seeing effort was put in but not the right way.

And a manga that pretty much represents that would be JoJo's Bizzare Adventure I have been reading recently, the plot goes as this, In the early 1820-1870's a human family called the Joestar's adopted someone named Dio Brando, who in return tried to overthrow and ruin their only son Jonathan Jostar, but fails from time to time but slowly tries to break Jojo's mind and fails. Which then he tries secretly taking his life but kills Jojo's father in turn making Jojo meet Speed Wagon and make a new eternal friend to the joestar family, while that's happening Dio researches about an ancient mask that he found on his first day in the Joestar mansion (forgot to say that the Joestars are immensely rich) he gets turned into a vampire and later gets killed by Jonathan Joestar (but we later find out that he doesn't die and steals Jonathan Joestars body.

Enough of Jojo, sometimes when I close my eyes I see.. unnatural scenes made by the crazy idea's in my head, that could range from my stupid or ironic death to strangely scary situations that have the monster or human be covered in darkness with a bright white smile curved around their cheeks and red cat like pupils staring from an endless void of darkness known as a shadow, or it could even be a strange arousing situation going good to shit from 0 - 100 really fast which strangely gets my blood pumping.
Another strange addiction I have is to brutally murder anything in fighting games or anything that has violence (like Mortal Kombat) which leads to me thinkin that I may be a tad sadistic. But who am I kidding I'm just some random voice among thousands of others all wanting to voice their opinions on how people should act or not.

But another one of my personality seems to... how would I put it, steal from someone's actions/quirks and slowly merge my original actions or speech to be like others thus forming a sort of psuedo identity and mask to make me be more relateable or more like them, as I've always found being somebody else gets me really happy or excited to be different from my original self, you understand what I mean right? Its fine if you don't as were all unique in how we act and feel so feel free to ask me anything that's on your mind.

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