Another random amount of random thoughts #2

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So our second time together eh? Well I won't keep you from reading what's below so just go.

Today I wondered about how reality seems to be ironic in the sense that there is so much we don't know but make so many educated guesses and then expect more from their failed hypothesis or "guess" I think our brightest minds think that trial and error is the only way to go about things I mean most of the time they aren't wrong but when it comes to let's say worldwide problem's they do everything to fast, like viruses if it evolves and can think of worse ways of causing pain or trauma rather than your average flu or chicken pox. I got off track there I was talking about trial and error and then started thinking about religion and viruses/the bible of catholic or christianity I think?

Nevermind that I wanna talk about lego, why Lego? you ask well my dear reader because leg'o was the toy of every kid in the world (not including people in Africa back in the day) amazing as they were they knew how to make us kids buy or want to purchase such a delicate but ingenious toy that could have infinite possibilities in the face of imagination or well any kind of imagination. When  we were kids we wanted all kinds of lego, Lego star wars, lego aliens, lego hobbit you get what I'm saying? They make so many cool lego sets that would make any kid spend their entire allowance on to have all of one series and that's where lego came and made
"Lego trading" I feel like I'm making this up but people have definitely traded lego sets for certain characters, types of weapons, clothes and even hair, which really now makes me think that lego was one damn smart company that could easily capture our hearts or wallets in a single swoop of advertisements or even being refrenced to certain series of movies or TV shows.

Another things I want to talk about is why a game called mordhau isn't on Xbox One X or S but on PC, to me this seems to be a big opportunity to gain more followers and people who will pay for a well crafted game that is similar to chivalry in terms of swordplay and realism, which I really like to do, have a cool fighting pattern or style to conquer the other player's skill while using a Zwei-Hander to decapitate people or slice them in half. But that's just my opinion alright? This mark's the end if my random thoughts #2

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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