The Introduction

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Casey POV

My name is Casey McDonald. I am 17 years old and I'm a junior at Oakdale High School in California. I am the star quarterback for the varsity football team. I know what you're thinking. Probably along the lines of "a GIRL playing varsity football?!" or "isn't that dangerous?" or even "What if she gets a really hard hit?" Well I am 6 feet tall, and I weigh 160 pounds, there are about 5 guys on the team who are smaller than me, so I think I'm good. And I also can take a hit. Believe me I can. Now you're probably wondering why or how I got into football. I would always see my older brother and my dad playing catch with a football in the backyard so I decided to join one day. Turns out, for a 5 year old girl, I could throw and catch a football better than most 5 year olds. It all went uphill from there. Since the age of 7 I played on pee-wee football teams; I would often be the only girl and from what I remember, I was the only female quarterback I have ever seen playing in the pee-wee league. In middle school, I started playing other sports like basketball, lacrosse, and soccer, but none of them made me as happy when I played football, but I still play basketball in high school along with football. Also around that age, the flag football teams were separated by gender. The girls that I played with could never catch my passes. I would throw it right to their arms only for it to bounce right out again because "my passes were too hard". Then in high school, in my freshmen year, I was the manager and assistant for the varsity football teams and helped with the coaches and helped teach the boys how to throw better. One day I asked the coach, "Hey can I try and throw with a helmet on pads on?"

He looked at me like I was crazy then said, "Sure! But you ain't playing in a game that's for sure."

I was easily able to throw the football as accurately as I could without the padding. This made some of the boys mad since a girl could throw better than them but I always brushed it off. Soon enough, the coach decided to put me in a friendly, no tackle scrimmage against a school during the preseason and I easily made 5 completions for 65 yards, a touchdown pass, and only one interception. Soon enough, I started working out with the team during the off-season and when the real season came up, I was allowed to play football with the guys after my doctor cleared it as okay. Now here I am, a 17 year old girl who is the star quarterback of her school.

Amy's POV

Hello! My name is Amy Summerfield. I am currently 16 years old and I am a junior at Oakdale high school. I like reading, music, and dancing. I just moved here from Washington, so the whole new school thing has been pretty scary. The school seems pretty good so far, I heard our football team was good and I even heard that the star of the team is a girl! Crazy right?! My parents moved here due to some financial issues they had back in Washington but it doesn't really matter to me, as long as I have a roof over my head I'm grateful. I've always been known as the shy and quiet girl but I plan on changing that here in Oakdale. I hope Oakdale is much better than my old school, at least it's what it seems. I don't know if the whole "California girls are really mean" or it'll turn out to be like Mean Girls type of school. It's only been a week so who am I to judge. I barely even learned my schedule since school started on a Wednesday. I can't say I'm looking forward to discovering what Oakdale has to offer but I can't say I'm not.  

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