Relationship Status (Dyaln O'Brien fan fic)

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this is a really short story... Like an imagine, but with specific names. The cutoffs may be a little weird and I'm not good and tense usage, so it will all over the place. I also usually do stories from the first person, so this it different. I hope someone out there enjoys this short fan fic. I apologize if this story is at all similar to anyone's, I haven't read everything out there, so please let me know if I accidentally copied you or a user you know of. But for now...
(All copyrights reserved.)
If someone likes it, I have two more ideas out for this story I could add as more short stories continued. But for now it will just be this one. :) I hope you enjoyed. I don't consider it dirty, but maybe more vivid then most. (No sex) sorry.if u really want that, it will be on the 3rd one if I make it.


Krissy opens the door to see Dylan standing there picking her up for a party. Him holding up a box of chocolates, he knows her so well, knowing to get chocolates not flowers. She sighed knowing what he was, yet again, trying to do.

"Why are you so invested in getting me?" She asked him, wanting him desperately but unable to tell him because he's her best friend.

"Because I like you and I know you can't resist me." He said with a smirk.

"Except I can resist you." She said matter of factually.

"Really?" He asks closing the door keeping both of them inside her house.
He smirks again and takes off his shirt revealing his washboard abs. She tried not to look at them, hating when he does this, but loving it so much too, she backing away ever so slightly.

"Like I said... I can resist" she tells the shirtless Dylan O'brien standing in front of her in her own house.

"Then you will be fine standing closer to me." He said

"Of course." She states taking a step toward him. Still four steps away.

Before she could do anything he grabs her hips and pulls her up right against him. Her slightly bare torso touching his fully bare torso. Don't give in now, she thinks to herself. She looks him right in his beautiful eyes, blocking out the fact that his bare skin is right in front of her, his abs an inch away from her face, his scent strong in her nose.

'Old spice, why does he always wear that?' She thought to herself, 'he knows I love that smell' she furiously thought, she hates how well he knows her
She shrugged as if she felt nothing, as if she couldn't feel her own need to jump him then and there. He released her from his strong grip, and put his shirt back on.

"You may have won the battle, but I will win the war." He winked then turned to open the door to leave.

She followed behind him to his car as he opens the passenger door for her.

"Madam" he says while bowing as she got in the car, causing her to chuckle.

"So your not a robot." He laughs as he closes your door and jogs around the front of the car and gets in the driver door.

"No I am not." She says laughing at his Childness.

Their relationship may look confusing to the normal eye, but it made perfect since to them. They are the best of friends. Even taking out the fact that he has been trying to get her for almost two years now, they are so close. Even though Krissy won't admit it to anyone, she has fallen desperately in love with Dylan. But she doesn't want to ruin their fun friendship with a date. Besides, she likes the games they play where they try to suduce each other and how she always wins because she can hid her feeling toward him a lot easier then he can.

They pull up to the party. He's wearing a t-shirt that might be a little too tight just because he has been working out and boy does it show. He is wearing that light blue shirt with a pair faded jeans that hang from his hips just perfectly, the way that drives Krissy crazy. Krissy's wearing skinny jeans with a crop top that is dark red and her favorite because it shows off her stomach perfectly. Her flat, tanned stomach showing with her glimmering belling button piercing peaks out from under her top as she gets out of Dylan's car.
After some time drinking and dancing with strangers and Dylan, her friend Micky finds her and Dylan and pulls them into the den of the house.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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