Levi...x Reader 🤦🏽‍♀️

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"(I wanted to finish this chapter on Valentines Day but then I had a different idea for this story so now D3pressi0n is helping me out. K on with the story. Also, some of the characters are a little ooc in this first chapter but that'll change later)"
- Me in 2018 :/

This is also all just for fun so...I'm taking my time with this one unless people actually start reading my shit-


I get back from the hospital and the first thing that life hits me with...is this?

"OI OI OI!! Hey Levi! Yah still recovering??? Huh??"

Karma's a bitch.

"Hanji, please. Leave Levi alone, he just got out."

"Well sorry eye brows, it's not my fault that he got hurt WHEN A BIG EVENT IS COMING UP!!!!"

Erwin got into the drivers seat while Hanji took shot gun. Usually, I'd start arguing but because of my fractured foot I gladly took the entire back seat, putting my back against the door and laid my leg on the chair. This position was a little uncomfortable but I grabbed a pillow from the trunk which relieved my lower back pain.

"Stupid glasses! You, specifically, are the main reason why I'm in bandages right now!"


"Uh- YUH HUH!"


"Enough, you two!" Captain America scolded,
"You guys are grown adults-" Correction: teens." Hanji's smart mouth added. "Whatever. You guys are still acting like children, if you don't wanna be treated like kids then stop bickering over everything. Levi, it's Hanji for crying out loud! You really think she's gonna stay calm and civilized when exciting things happen?"

I then sighed and looked down,"...No." I pouted and crossed my arms. Now I feel like a child...

"And you, Hanji. You should apologize to Levi for tackling him down the stairs." He continues.

"...Levi, I'm sorry." She looked at him with big guilty eyes but once Erwins focus was back on the road, she stuck her tongue out and hid further into the chair. Fearing she'd be slapped.

"Tch. Dumbass..I'm tired of this dumbass world with all these fake ass people.." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Father asked.


Fuckin' bitch.


Erwin drove us to my house and at first sight, I noticed something was...off. Hanji wouldn't stop bouncing and giggling which just set me off even more. 'Are they seriously planning on murdering me in my own house? And get blood on my clean white carpets??? I think the fuck not.' I kept my guard up just in case.

We walked in and immediately told Hanji to take her crusty crocs off but when I looked at the shoe rack...'You motherfuckers' I then burst into the living room and- BAM!!

"WELCOME BACK, LEVI!!" Confetti and ballooons were thrown everywhere. Disgusting, noisy people came running at me. 'It was a fucking party...'

"STOP FLIRTING AND START SWEEPING!!" Levi scolded, Petra just let out a hight-hearted chuckled while Oluo scurried off to the corner, bighting his tongue in the process.

Due to Levi being a huge cLeAn FrEaK, the team didn't get to party. Instead, used all that time to clean all their hard work without even being able to chill. Sad, really.

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