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How a confession is supposed to look like:

Y/N: Hey, C/N?

C/N: Yeah...?

Y/N: I really like you! It's fine if we're not going to be together, it's fine. I just like you a lot really...

C/N: Oh really... I didn't know

Y/N: Well yeah, at least, now you know...

C/N: Actually, I kind of had a crush on you before... Hehehe

Y/N: *blushes* r-really?

Y/N: 👉👈

C/N: *pins Y/N to the lockers and kisses her*

Y/N: *kisses back*


How a confession looks like in my class:

Bernice: gOddAmIt, whY dO I have tO telL hIm, I'm tOo scareD

Aaleyah: bIch iTs fIne

Bernice: we've been friends for years! I'm too scared... What if he might reject me?

Samantha: then fuck his ass





Samantha: shit, that's not what I meant-

Nathaniel: so-, who called me?

Bernice: Nat, I have something important to tell you...

Nathaniel: Ok, tell me

Bernice: I like you, I really do. I don't want to ruin our-

Aaleyah: *giggles uncontrollably*

Bernice: friendship but i really like you. I hope-

Samantha: *accidentally kicks alliah*

Samantha: oH ShIt sORRy


Bernice: you would accept my con-

Samantha: You okay, alliah? OH shIt iM so soRry

Alliah: iM fEelIng gWaEncHana

Bernice: -fession?

Nathaniel: uh...these bitches alright?

Samantha: yes we damn ar- oH shiT iM soRry, I dIdNT meAn tO kIcK yOu

Nathaniel: *runs away*



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