Chapter 1: A Blast From The Past

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"It's about time I taught you a lesson!" The mad man launches a blast of energy at me, with an explosion that sends me crashing out of a window, shattering it and falling to my demise.

Yet you don't even know who I am, do you? Well, this is a long story, but by how these glass shards are slowing down, I think I have time to tell my tale. Looks like I have a long way to fall before I reach the pavement anyway.

To begin, let's take it all back to where it all started, at the place and time my life started falling. Let's go to the moment, where all hell broke loose.


The door slams open as I run outside to the cloudy winter day. A cool breeze comes with the wind, sending a nice chilly sensation through my whole body, man did I miss winter!

I raise my hood onto my head while exhaling a cloud from my mouth, watching the cloud fade away as soon as it came. I always remember pretending to smoke as a kid, just blowing into the air and acting all tough like that. Would be lying if I don't admit I still do it every now and then.

Yet one thing is missing.. and I know exactly what it is. So without a second thought I start sprinting at full speed. Feeling my legs run on their own as I get faster and faster. Being hit with the icy air as I rush through this chilly weather. Until I reach the ledge.

What ledge you ask?

The ledge of the roof.

And with a single kick into the air, I soar into the sky, turning to face the sky as time feels like it's slowing down. The clouds start snowing as I blankly stare, enjoying this second of peace I have. This feeling of complete freedom, almost as if wings would grow out of my back and I'd start flying. It's funny isn't it? What's considered a method of suicide, is really where I feel most alive.

But that's when the adrenaline kicks in.

"Oh what's good, danger!"
Shortly after I shout that in the air, time starts returning to how fast it was, and with a speedy somersault I activate my skates and place my mask dead center on my face. I live for this, untamed, uncontrolled, uncaged moments, the feeling of freedom I desperately strive for. Nothing feels like home more than this.

Oh wait, how rude of me! I didn't introduce myself to you at all, the name's Charles, Alex Charles, and I'm the next double 007. Joking aside, as you see, I'm not your average neighborhood kid, and these once insane stunts, are a daily routine for me. Why? Because I'm a super hero, but I've got my own little catch.

I've got no powers.

With a press of a button, my gadgets start activating. A small hatch on my wrist opens to reveal my ear piece, that quickly disconnects from my wrist due to our fall.

I catch it mid air then plug it into my ear. Only to get hit, by something I haven't heard for quite a long time..

"La locura, todos tenemes un poco. You know I like to live my life a little loco." Damn, weren't you one of my favorites.

I aim my fall towards the curved piece of architecture at the bottom, aligning my fall in an arrow Head formation to get as much speed as I can. With only a few feet away I pull my body up to land right skates, launching me over a crowded road.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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