Part 6

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A/N  Ok so I know Alice's powers are supposed to be only seeing into the future and stuff but we're gonna act like they dont know she can see into someone's past

Alice's pov

In the Vision

Bella is standing across from Laurent in a meadow.....not just any meadow.......Bella and Edward's meadow
Bella was trembling from what looked to be pain
Bella: what are you doing here?
Laurent: I came as a.....favor to Victoria
Bella: V-victoria?
Laurent: She felt it was only right to kill Edward's mate givin as he killed hers
Bella: Please dont....I mean you helped us
Laurent zoomed in front of Bella to where he was only about 2 inches away from her face
Laurent: am doing you a favor, Victoria plans on killing you slowly....painfully, where as I'll make it quick
Bella whispered under her breath as Laurent was about to kill her
Bella:I love you, Edward

Then the Vision got blurry and there were vicious tearing sounds then talking and the Vision ended

Out of the Vision

Jasper: Alice....what did you see?
Alice: Bella
Jasper: what about Bella?
Alice: sh-she's g-gone
Jasper: what do you mean she's gone?
By now the whole Cullen family was here
I started dry sobbing
Edward: Alice what did you see?what about Bella? What happened? Is she ok?
I looked up at Edward and shook my head no
Edward's face dropped
Edward: what did you see Alice?
Alice: Bella was across from Laurent they were in a meadow....but not just any meadow.....your and Bella's meadow....
Edward: what else?
Edward looked as if he was a child that just lost his puppy
Alice: Bella asked him what he was doing there and he said he came as a favor to Victoria and laurent said that victoria felt I was only fair to kill Edward's mate as he killed hers
I said looking at my family's devastated faces
Alice: Bella was begging him not to kill her saying that he last helped us and he ran up to her only 2 inches away from her face and said shshsh I am doing you a favor Victoria plans on killing you slowly painfully, where as I'll make it quick and as he raised his hand ready to strike her Bella...Bella
Edward:....Bella what?
Alice: Bella said the last thing I thought she'd ever say in that moment it was her last words....Bella said under her breath....she said that she loved you, Edward and then the vision became blurry and there were vicious horrific tearing sounds as if tearing into flesh
Edward was dry sobbing in the corner until he looked up and his eyes became a darker gold almost black
And I then knew what he was about to  do.....he was about to hunt Laurent and Victoria down and kill them
Edward got up ran to his room and started packing
Carlisle: Jasper go calm him down before he does something he'll regret
Rose: Regret?! Regret?! You want to know what I regret treating Bella like absolute shit when I knew her, and now she's be honest I actually liked her, but the only thing that made me angry was she had a chance to live to find someone to have children with and grow old with and guess what she's dead I dont think I'm gonna regret what I'm about to do!!!
Rose: I'm gonna help Edward kill that red headed bitch
(A/N for those of you that have red hair it isn't meant to offend you)
Rose ran up the stairs and started packing soon after Emmet followed
Emmet: She was like a little sister to me, I'm not letting anybody getting by with killing my little sister
Soon after I and Jasper joined them and so on until everyone agreed
Afterwards we left in the cars
Alice: So who are we going after first
Edward: Laurent...let's see if the wolves know anything about it

<> Time Skip <>

We were running to the treaty line and when we got there we saw some wolves
Edward: I want to speak with all of you please I want to know something
The wolves howled and soon a big black wolf and a russet wolf behind that one came out of the woods
Edward: Hello I'd like to speak with you
Soon after that all the wolves came back out in their human form
Sam: what do you want?
Edward: Do you know If...if...if  Bella's really dead?
New guy: Why do you want to know? You're the one that left her!
Sam: Jacob!
Jacob:No, sam they dont deserve to know
Sam: ugh...just tell them Jacob
Jacob: fine, ok so we were hunting after you all left and we went to a dead meadow and saw a bloodsucker with dreads Bella was almost killed by him we chased him soon after tore him to pieces soon after that we heard a scream coming from the meadow where we came from, we..we..we went back and saw a red headed bloodsucker holding a lifeless Bella is her arms. Blood was all over the womans face and there was blood all around in the meadow, we chased after her but lost her

By now Jacob was sobbing
Edward was full of sadness, grief, and rage
Jasper tried to calm him down but didn't work out too well
Jacob: YOU!!!
Jacob said pointing at Edward
Jacob: how did you know Bella was dead?
Edward nodded at me
Jacob snapped his death glare to me
I dont have time for this!!! This MUTT wants to piss me off? Oh..I'll just show him how pissed off I could get!
Edward looked over at me shocked
Jasper mirrored his expression
I started walking towards Jacob ready to attack
Jasper grabbed me
I got out of his grasp
By now Edward, Jasper, and Emmet had to hold me back

I can be nice but if you really piss me off then all helk will break loose
None of my family has seen this side of me yet

Jacob: oh stop it, she can't do anything, she's just a little fragile girl

I said starting to get out of their grip
Edward: Carlisle!
I started running towards Jacob and Jacob started running toward me in his wolf form
Things were about to get really ugly
All of a sudden I couldn't move neither could Jacob something invisible was holding us there
I looked around getting frustrated
Then a little girl walked out from behind a tree
Little girl: I-Im sorry, I was practicing my powers with mommy and I wandered off and heard yelling and came here and i saw they were struggling with you and I wanted to help
I'm sorry

She said looked at the ground
My gaze softened
Alice: Oh honey, put me down and well find your mommy ok?
She looked up and smiled
Little girl: yay mommy!
I giggled
She let me down and let Jacob down
I walked up to her
Alice: what's your name huh
Little girl: Rosalice
I gasped and looked back at my family they all looked curious
I looked at Rose and knew she wanted to scoop up this little girl and take care of her as her own
I turned back to Rosalice
Alice: what's your full name hun?
Rosalice: My full name?
Alice: yes hun
Rosalice: mommy told me not to tell sparkly vampires my last name, she said that they would hurt me
I gasped
She knew about us, who is her mother?
Alice: honey, I would never hurt you
Rosalice: but mommy said-

I cut her off
Alice: honey if you dont tell me your full name then I can't find your mommy
She thought for a moment
Rosalice: are you guys
I nodded
She gasped
Rosalice: uh oh, I'm in big trouble now
Alice: what do you mean your in big trouble?
Rosalice: mommy said not to tell you guys anything about me or my family
Alice: what's your last name?
Rosalice: My name is Rosalice Marie Swan
I gasped at the last two names
I looked back at Edward I could see hurt in his eyes
Rosalice looked at him
Rosalice: you dont like my name? Mommy said you wouldn't. Mommy said you wouldn't care. Well I got to go
Edward: wait!
Rosalice turned back around and looked Edward in the eye
Edward: green eyes
I looked at her eyes and noticed they are the same green Edward's were from his human life
Rose: honey, who's your mommy? mommy is Bella Marie Swan
Rosalice said proudly
We all gasped
Esme: Is she alive? anymore......not since Laurent..
She said starting to cry
I started walking toward her
She looked up and had panic in her eyes
Jasper: Rosalice don't!
Rosalice pushed a red button on her shirt
Then Victoria came out if nowhere and grabbed Rosalice and said
Victoria: your in big trouble young woman
Rosalice had panic and fear in her eyes we chased after them but lost them
I turned to Edward

Alice: Edward....
He looked up but I didn't see what I expected to see
He looked up and had a huge ear to ear on his face....

Hey guys sorry for not posting lately. I hope you enjoyed this part.
Luv ya 😘
- Abigail 🖤

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