Chapter Ten: Albino

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The team where already half way to Ferrinae, it didn't take long to leave after the call, Nora had told everyone what had happened on the phone and in unison, all agreed to hurry this mission up to get to Felenae. Sadie carried a exhausted, or rather lazy Emma on her shoulders, Sadie was just a little bigger than a average wolf only because of her age, at Sadie's full age, she would be able to carry Nora, Emma and Maine all together plus two. 

Maine trudged along in her feline form of amber fur while Nora coped with her human form, the snow was thick underfoot, making it harder for Nora's sinking feet to keep pace with Sadie and Maine who, without a doubt, glided across the top of the snow. 

Nora felt a uneasy feeling arise, a feeling of being spied upon, a feeling she couldn't shake and she could swear the snow was moving in a very peculiar way. 

"Its just the wind Nora stop being paranoid" Maine wound say. "Don't worry we will get there no problem, we will be home soon!" Maine would try to comfort her sister to no avail, Nora still clutched her sword and scanned the plains.

Only a few dead oak trees dotted the lands, in the summer winter they would bare some leaves and some nuts, every season had something winter such as summer winter, autumn snow, spring thaw, and as for winter its self, Pale sky, which is on the brink of starting.

Only a few days away now, so nights where colder and the days where getting shorter, till there's no black moon at all, only the original white moon, said to have been Selene who created the moon, and because so many worshiped the moon over the sun, the suns heat faded and slowly died. 

Now at Ferrinae, the teem saw a tattered burg, it wasn't melted or on fire, there where no soldiers to bee seen, only holes of smashed ice and five white ferrets at the west of the burg and two at the top where water wielder guards would normally sit. "No access permitted, scratt!!" Sneered the one on the left.

"We need your metal! Just a bit!!" Nora called back, These creatures already irritated Nora, on top of her aggravation of not being able to shift, she didn't want to deal with these misfits, the junkies of the burgs. 

"We said no, nada, nay, shoot, scram, be gone!! We are busy with war underlings!" The one on the right screeched.

Nora's face went red, her eyes narrowed as she started climbing one of the posts, the ferret on the left gasped and shuffled back but his rump bumped the wall behind his. Maine Emma and Sadie watched in surprise as Nora climbed the vertical ice with effortless ease. 

As Nora got to the top her tilted her head cracking her neck, swooping down a hand to pick the ferret up by the throat. 

"I have no time for rodent games." Nora's voice was deathly quiet, the kind of quiet that felt like she was screaming in your face. "You let us in or rabbits wont be your only enemy." Nora growled after her solid threat, showing she was indeed a shifter. 

The ferret on the right shifted human and watched in shock. his face was just as terrified as the ferret dangling from Nora's hand.

The ferrets face was beyond terrified "L-let the girl and her friends threw." His voice cracked at the end by lack of oxygen, his eyes bulging as if his body was making room for air to breath and his mouth gasping open and tongue lulling out.

Nora finally let go, its body hit the ground with a thump as he changed back to his human form due to sustained damage to his throat, he wore a torn white singlet and torn light blue genes and had pale blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Nora looked down at her friends and jumped down landing squarely on her feet, "Lets get this stupid metal and leave." Nora said. 

Sadie and Maine skipped up to step with Nora and followed her into the burg, this burg was exactly like Nora thought, the houses where made of flimsy tin and held together by rope and tape. there was trash everywhere and all the people where always in there animal form, skittering about, darting back and forth, eating rotten food from their cans, where was their king and queen!? 

Nora sneered at the sight of the burg, a furry feeling brushed her neck at that moment, Nora jumped and grabbed it by the neck and threw it off, and off tumbled a pure white ferret. by the huffs made on impact, it sounded female. she got up and looked at Nora indignantly "That was not called for!! I WAS going to help you find metal for this." 

In lightning movement she darted to Nora's arm device and tapped it with her tiny claw. her lips, paws and rims of her eyes where pink being her skin and her eyes where a azure blue. Nora came to the conclusion she must be albino.

"This here needs Rhodium, the most valuable and not to forget, rare metal, we drove a whole bunch to Owlinae a few months ago, but we stopped savaging for old time metals, me and my twin still do, and we have some spare Rhodium laying around." she said. "But you must know that hurt!!" she gave Nora that same indignant glare. 

"Sorry." Nora muttered. Nora hadn't meant to actually injure the small shifter. witch reminded her. "Why are you all constantly Animal?" Animal was the term used to identify a shifters state, and used only by shifters being a non formal way of saying "Why are you in your animal form' and animal would be replaced by what animal they are. 

the little ferret jumped off and shifted human "Its much much warmer as our animal. considering we lack cotton from the rabbits who cut off supply, we only have scraps. And because both of our builds are small, we don't do as much damage as Serpantae wiping out Canidae." She said. Nora flinched and narrowed her eyes staring at her feet. "OH and my name, its Tranity"

Emma slid off of Sadie and stood beside Nora "Where do we get this rhodium?" Emma said bluntly. 

"Are you albino too!!??" she squeaked noticing Emma's eyes and pale hair. 

Emma narrowed her eyes "I'm blind." She said lowly

The little girl shrugged and shifted animal and looked at them "Follow me!" She said sing-songly

AUTHORS NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

::;::So just for reference, Black moon is the sun, the sun has obviously died in this time and instead of blowing up, it dried up and became a dead black ball of rock in the sky, the nower people call the black moon, the moon stays the same although some call it the white moon, and they dont really care about tides, considering the world is now ice.

have a lovely day!!!

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