Chapter Twenty-Four: The Fire Inside

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Everyone sat in a circle and glanced around nervously. "Ember can't you use your fire to melt it?" Maine said.

Nora sat glaring at her hands that where clenched in a ball in her lap, Mandy was leaning on Noras shoulder giving her a knowing look. Nora could feel Maines gaze land on her but continued to stare at her hands.

"I can't, only a fire weilder can, I'm dragon, not fire weilder." She puffed smoke threw her nose, "The most I can do is keep everyone warm."

Emma groaned and clutched her half frozen arm, it was up to her elbow now. Ember sat beside Emma in case she passed out. Otulissa glanced at the arm then at Emma's face in panic. Sadie whined in worry and paced back and forth between Nora and Emma. It was when Emma grunted and gasped, plopping into her back and the ice reaching too close the her heart Nora felt a Lang of panic. Nora finally looked up and blinked slowly with a sigh. She looked down and off to the side, "Hold out your arm." She said bluntly.

Emma groaned and did so, in too much pain to question, Ember pulled up Emma's sleeve and gave Nora a quizzical look, but had a feeling she already knew what was going to happen. Nora could feel the same quizzical look from the others too, she didn't like it, didn't trust it and she knew this would get her in trouble. Still, despite the consequences she knew she'd face, Nora moved closer and looked into Emma's blind, pain filled eyes, her heart ached, she hated seeing her friends in pain, finally she sighed and put her hands over Emma's arm and lit a low flame in the palms of her hands, slowly the ice melted, dripped down Niras own hands, water mixed with Emma's skin and blood. The flame grew slightly to speed the presses and everyone's eyes grew wide with disbelief, at least, those who didn't know about it already, including Otulissa's disapproving glare of hate and betrayal.

The ice had subsided, making a pale red puddle on the snow and Emma passed out, surcomming to the pain. Nora got up emotionlessly, a shadow cast over her face, her hair also hiding her face and walked past the circle and away, disappearing into the snow.

Maine nodded in satisfaction, until Otulissa opened her mouth. "She should be killed." She said darkly.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" Maine and Mandy stood up together, Ember just glared holding Emma's head in her lap. "She just saved Emma's life!! And your saying she needs to die?! It was hard for her! To have the truth let out! She knows that if people knew she would get killed! That's why she never used it!" Maine yelled, Sadie growled in agreement, her fur standing in end.

Otulissa grinder her teeth "That's why her device was melted wasn't it!! So don't give me crap about 'she never used it' because that's a lie!" Otulissa turned herself to Mandy "And you!" She pointed her finger at Mandy, "I bet Nora used her secret to fight off the guards that kept you prisoner!! Did she not!? The law is the law no matter who has the power, or what they do with it!! That means Nora is to be sentenced to death!-" Emma was up now, her face flushed red and just as she was about to counter Nora was back

"I'll get my sentence, after we finished the prophecy. Then, you'll get your wish." She said stoically. Everyone was looking at her with surprise, and Otulissa, with hate. "Emma, hope your okay. Im going to sleep, wake me at dawn." She said motionlessly and turned to go back into the now cleared cave.

Mandy get up and followed after while Otulissa sat away from the group muttering words of hate and disapproval.

In the cave Nora lay at the back, it was a short cave but dark nonetheless. She had her shoulders and head leaned up against the wall and her arms hung limply beside her. Mandy sat down beside Nora and Lester her head on Noras shoulder.

"I said I couldn't promise anything, and this is exactly what I meant. Knowing Otulissa, she'll get her way by sending word to the Emperor Empress. I'll be killed within a month of return." Nora said flatly

"You know Maine and I won't allow that." Mandy said putting her hand on Noras cold live hand.

"Maybe so, but not even all the Kings, Queens and Princesses or princes have a say against the Emperor. And the Emperor has no say against the Empress. And being knighted by her, she's not one to take things lightly." Nora said. "I never even got to talk to my sister about being knighted, one of the most proudest days of war I've ever known. Second to you saving my life. And now I get to hear you talk again and I finally get to have you with me.." Nora gripped Mandys hand, she was thankful the cave was dark enough to hide her tears. Nora slid down and lay down properly. Mandy did the same and cuddled up in Noras warmth, just one of many things she liked about Nora, that one thing would take Nora away. They both fell asleep in each others embrace, happy for now.

Maine sat beside Ember who sat beside Emma who had recovered. Emma had been quiet since what she found out, she wasn't as angry as she thought she would have been, she hated lies but this was necessary, and it had saved her life. In fact she was angry at Otulissa, and the way she reacted, it want fair, and for Nora to have heard it, and agree to it. Emma's blind eyes narrowed "We need sleep, the winds have become more moist, we have seven hours sleep." She got up and walked toward the cave, laying down not too close but not far from Nora, everyone else followed in afterwards with Otulissa laying at the entrance of the cave, glaring.   

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