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huang renjun

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huang renjun

"injun!" i heard my best friend call for me. i smiled and walked towards her, pulling minji with me. minji and i were just walking around the streets, spending time with each other.

"haneul hi. jaemin my brooo." i pulled him for a hug. we had gotten closer ever since i came back to the rest of the dreamies. we were awkward at first but eventually we were better.

"hey can we talk?" she asked smiling. i raised my brow, curious. i looked at minji and she nodded. "i'll be back." i whispered, kissing her cheek. when i looked back at haneul, she was smiling proudly.

i walked inside the cafe we were right outside and sat down across from haneul. "you wanted to talk?" i asked, after ordering our drinks.

"i know it's a little weird to talk about this right now but i think that we should talk about this now if not you'll never know." she started off. i looked at her, wondering what she was talking about.

"i want to explain to you why i left you after that night." she looked at me in the eyes and i could see the emotions she felt in her eyes. she felt sorry and guilty. i grabbed her hand. "hey. you don't have to. whatever it is i forgive you. we're friends now and we're happy. you don't have to tell me."

she shook her head. "you deserve to know." she gave me a small smile.


lee haneul

"please don't hate me renjun." i looked at him, not wanting to ruin the friendship that we formed again last month.

he smiled at me. "i would never."

i'm such a bad person.

"renjun.. the reason why i left you was because i met my cousin after we separated. we met accidentally and i- i had never seen him for a long time. he came up and asked me how i was and if i was okay and i just- i didn't know how to feel. i wanted to go back to him because i missed him so much and his family treated me so much better than my own family. i told him about everything. about my parents, my runaway, you. i told him about you and how much i loved you. but- but he got angry and wanted me to stay away from you and i- i tried to tell him that you're a good person and that you would take care of me like he would to me. i guess... he... he made me choose- he made me choose between you and him and i just- i just..." i was trying to stop the tears that were flowing. renjun held my hand, rubbing it to calm me down.

"i was so selfish because i just wanted a family again and i wanted to be with my cousin again and i just... i choose him instead of you. and i wanted to tell you. i really did. i tried to go back to you but i couldn't. my cousin- he stopped me and told me that if i really loved you then i would just follow him. and i now if i look at it, it's so stupid because i really did love you and you deserve to have at least heard my goodbye but i didn't fight- i didn't fight for you renjun. i tried to contact you again but i couldn't... no matter how hard i tried i couldn't find you or contact you. and i guess i just stopped crying everyday. and i met jaemin and he reminded me so much of you. of course i knew you and him were different but i guess i just fell for him too. i'm so sorry renjun i should have fought for you and tried to see you again one last time i-" renjun cut me off.

"hey. it's okay. i understand. you wanted a family again and you just couldn't help but go to the thing closest to family. it's okay i understand. but we're okay now. it's okay i forgive you haneul. okay please don't hate yourself. i'm okay. i'm alright. i moved on from that. you should too. what's most important is that we're friends again and that we're okay." he reassured me as i breathed in and out, calming myself down.

i looked at him. "thank you renjun. thank you for understanding me." i stood up to hug him.

he smiled and hugged me back. "of course haneul. whether you belong to me or not, i will always understand you. because i love you haneul. you're my best friend." i hugged him tighter.

we pulled away and i took my my purse from the table, going to walk to the door. "you're not gonna stay for your drink?" he asked.

"that's for minji. i don't like strawberry. she does. enjoy you date renjun. i'll see you soon." i smiled at him as he smiled just as widely.

i walked out and greeted jaemin and minji who was busy talking with each other. "i told him jaemin." i smiled at jaemin as he smiled back at me, kissing my forehead. "good job babe."

i looked at minji who was smiling brightly at me. "ji, renjun inside waiting for you. enjoy your date girl." i hugged her. we were awkward when we first met because, i am his ex, but minji and i are besties now.

"you too." she laughed, before walking inside the cafe.

i looked at jaemin as we walked back to my apartment. "i love you nana." he giggled. "i love you too."

i spent the rest of the day, relieved that i finally got that off my chest, happy, knowing that renjun forgave me even after all we've been through.

injun 🤪

my best friend.

yes renjun,
my best friend.

i love you best friend.

i love you too dude.

tell jaemin i love him too.


he's my best best friend🥺

ugh fine.
tell minji i love her with all my heart and that i would leave jaemin for her 🥰😍

minji is mine
stay with jaemin

fine best friend.
ily bro

ily2 dude.

huang renjun

"she says she loves you." i told my girlfriend as we chilled on my sofa.

"awww my girl~ tell her i love her too." i looked at her weirdly. "tell her yourself."

she laughed, the laugh i love the most. "i love you." i kiss her lips. "i love you."

my love story with haneul may have ended but our friendship will never end. we both have new stories, new adventures separately. but she'll always be special. she was after all, the reason i became a little braver and happier. the time we spent together will always be treasured. the time we spent together was beautiful after all. it was our beautiful time.


this is so shitty 🤡

:) well i hope you enjoyed this little bonus.

bye bye fr this time :D

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