Adopting Lucifer

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Sadaos POV
It had been two years since me and Shiro have gotten married, we're doing pretty okay, even if we're demons, and I'm Satan, but there is something that I have wanted more than ever.

A child, but me nor Shiro can have one because we're males, so I planned a meeting with Shiro to ask if we can adopt one.

When he sat down I was really nervous and tense, he noticed that and put his hand on me "Whats wrong dear, it's okay whatever you want to talk about you can say it." He reassured me and I started to relax.

"Well, I-I wanted to ask if we could adopt a child...You know since both of us can't have kids..." I said a little bit of shame in my tone.

He looks at me and smiles "Of course, you don't need to be ashamed Sadao, I know we're not great on money but will pull threw." Shiro pulled me into for a hug and I cuddled his chest.

At the Adoption Center a week after planning
We were at the place, we stepped inside and a lady that works here comes up to us "Hi how can I help you?" She asks and we look at each other then at her.

"Uhhh yeah we want to adopt a child, me and my husband here." Shiro says and holds my hand, the lady smiles.

"Perfect, what exactly are you looking for, a baby?  A child? Teen? Boy or girl?"  She asks and I say.

"It doesn't matter to us we just want a child." I say and she leads us upstairs.

"Up here is where all the kids are." She opens the door and we see at least about 15 kids.

They look at us and come running up "Ms. Apple who's this?" A kid asks.

"Are they here to adopt one of us?" Another asks another Question.

"Well they're looking around to see which one of you cuties they want to adopt." She pokes one of the kids noses and he laughs.

They were all so adorable I wanted them all, but I had to focus on just one.

We began to talk to the kids and get to know them, while the lady stood by the door, we then left the room and I noticed a cradle in another room with a baby inside "Who's baby is that?" I asked as I pointed to the cradle.

"Oh that's the baby's room, you see he was dropped at our doorstep when he was only 1 day old, he's 2 months now." She opens the door fully and we walk in and see the sleeping baby on the bed.

"Awwww he's adorable, can I hold him?" I awww at the sleeping baby and she nods picking him up slowly not to wake him, she hands him to me and I begin to cradle him "What's his name?" I whispered careful not the wake him.

"We don't know, we never got a name." She whispers back.

I look at the baby's face and Shiro puts a hand on my shoulder "What do you think dear do you want him?" He asks and I look back.

"Yes." I smile at him and he smiles "Will take the baby." He requested and she nods.

"Okay let's put him down and I'll take you to get the paperwork signed." She says and I put him back in the crib and we follow her to sign the paperwork.

The next day when they came to retrieve the Baby
We walked in the door and a different lady was at the desk "Hello how can I help you?" She asks and she smiles.

"Yes I'm Mr. Ashiya, were here to get the baby." He tells her and she nods and goes up to retrieve the baby.

She comes back down a few minutes later with the baby in her hands and the same lady as yesterday was holding bags full of toys and clothes "Take good care of him, he's all yours now." She hands me the baby and the other lady hands Shiro the bags.

"We will, have a nice day!" I thank them and we walk back home.

At the apartment.
When we get there he was awake "So did you go to the certification place and get his name certified?" I asked as I put him down and looked in his beautiful purple eyes.

Shiro responses "Yeah it's all on his file and everything, well, welcome to the family Lucifer Ashiya."

Shiro x Sadao (Devil is a part timer) Gay parents Adopt Lucifer Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin