Chapter 1

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"BEEP BEEP BEEP" I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I looked at the label on my alarm clock.. "School time, GO! GO! GO! :)" I got up and went to my bathroom. My makeup is normally pretty simple, Concealer, Powder, Blush, Mascara, Pink Lipstick. I went to my dresser and got out a white crop top that said "FREE" on it and some lightwash denim skinny jeans. I slipped on my black vans, and headed back the bathroom. I grabbed my waver and i made, from the bottom of my hair to the middle, wavy. then i grabbed a black beanie and put it on, grabbed my backpack, and iphone, and went to school. I don't take the bus to school, I ride my Hot purple penny board with lime green wheels. When I pulled into school I saw my bestfriend, Natalia.

N: Hey!

S: Hey Nat!

N: So I was wondering if maybe..

What do I do? I am moving to LA in the O2L house with my brother Connor and all those gorgeous guys and I can't bring Natalia....Do I tell her I'm moving now or- Just then my thoughts were interrupted


S: Hu? What?

N: What's going on with you?

S: Ok so you know my brother Connor lives with Kian, Jc, and those other guys?

N: The baes...O2L....Keep going...

S: Well, I am moving to LA..... With Connor....In the O2L house...

N: What?

S: I know but I will video chat you everyday i promise!

N: Ok, when are you leaving?....

S: Ok don't get mad but I found out last night... Tomorrow.....


S: Yea....

N: I'm gonna miss you so much....

S: I am gonna miss you too...

RING RING! " I gott get to class..." I said with a sigh. "Ok," Natalia said in sadness. "can I come over tonight to help you pack?" she asked. "Yes." I said with a smile as a walked to Chem.

The next day...

Ma'am? Ma'am? "Hmm what" I said in a sleepy tone. " we have landed in LA, You need to get off the plane..." The flight attendant said in a kind voice. "What? OH MY GOSH," I said realising i was the only one on the plane." I am so sorry, thank you i said while grabbing my carry on. I rushed off the plane and started looking for Conner. I saw a mob of screaming fangirls. and rushed over. "HEY GUYS! WHY DON'T WE PLAY A GAME," I said they all looked over at me. "WHY DON'T WE SEE HOW FAOR YOU CANRUN FROM CONNER? LOSER GETS THERE ARMS DISLOCATED!" I said in a stern voice. Suddenly the crowd cleared and conner looked at me. " I can't believe that worked..." He said with a grin. I jumped and gave him a huge hug he picked me up and spinned me around. " I missed you so much Comic-Con." That was his nickname... " I missed you too P-Sherman.." He calls me that cause of Finding Nemo.

In The Car...

C: So how's life?

S: Good.... Nerve Racking!

C: Haha, why?

S: Umm let's review.... I am moving with my brother who i have seen for like 10 miniutes after 2 years of seperation, I am about to meet 5 guys that run my FAVORITE youtube channel and have been my biggest crushes since i was 15, and I just got off an airplane.... and you know what airplanes do to me...

C: Haha....yes I do.... Well it'll be ok... just don't be a freak...haha

I looked at him with a glare that ment "Not, cool. Or funny."

S: Ha. Ha. Thanks for the tip....Bro.

C; You are so. very. welcome.

We pulled up into the drive way and i grabbed 3 suitecases and 2 back packs.

C: Here let me take some of that.

He grabbed a back pack and 2 of my suitecases. We walked in, and there they were, the five guys i had been crushing on for 2 year, right infront of my face..

JC: Hi, I am-

S: JC.

I said with a smile.

S: and Kian, and Trevor, and Sam.

I said pointing at each of them.

S: I am Sydney....

I met everyone of them and then went up stairs with my bags to unpack. I walked into my room and saw, a bed, dresser, closet, and nightstand. I looked at the bed and saw a gift rapped box. I looked at the box and looked at the tag " To: Conner's Sister.

From: O2L"

I opened the lid and there was a poster and a hot purple bean bag. I pulled them out and i saw a note. "Dear, Conner's Sister, We don't know your name yet, but we bought you these to help you start decorating your room, O2L." I Opened up the poster and it was a picture of 5sos. I screamed

C: Oh my gosh are y-

he looked at me with a grin as I help the 5sos poster up.

C: Haha, there is tape in your night stand he said

I ran to my night stand and taped it to my door. Then I picked up a envelope and and a cork board that had a baggy with tacks taped to it. I took out one tack and hung the board over my bed. Then I started putting up Pictures, of me with Natalia and Conner, ad mom, and dad, Then in as it was almost cover I put one more picture that i drew in the very middle of the cork board it Said "SYDNEY" on it. I grabbed my confortor and pillow cases that were pretty little liars themed and put them on the bed that had, white sheets and plane pillows on it. then I ran over an grabbed all my dresses, jackets hoodies and the hanger and hung them in my closet. Unpacked the clothes that went in my dresser, plugged in my iphone charger and my lamp near my nightstand, Put my backpack by my bed and my laptop on it. Then I went downstars and said

S: All done!

O2L: Great!

I looked at them and then said

S: I want food....

I ran to the kitchen and looked at the clock... it was 6:32 PM

S: what do you guys want for dinner?

C: What?

S: I'll cook something! what do you want?

O2L: ...

S: Oh whatever I'll just make something

I said while walking back to the kitchen...

K: I like this girl...

T: Me too! She cooks for us


I said from the kitchen

C: She has good hearing...

My brother explained....

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