When someone opens the door...Connor.
C: Sydney?!
S: Connor?! hehe
C: Sydney, what did I tell you when we were kids....
S: That if you ever walked in on me having sex that'd you slap whoever it was....
I said running my words together.
S: but this is kian!
C: Uhu! I can trust him right?
Connor says sarcastically.
C: Wheres the condom?!
S: he doesn't even have his pants off!
C: Whatever I'm over it,have sex, don't have sex! Whatever please you...
S: Well believe me sex, is pleasure.
C: Ugh, whatever floats your boat!
K: It's floating my boat.
C: Whatever makes you happy...
I start making moaning noises.
C: Gross! Ok, im leaving!