Chapter Nineteen

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Eight months later, my water broke. I didn't even get to go the whole nine months, I thought and started crying. "What if my baby ain't healthy," I whined. At the moment, we were headed to the doctors office. "Slow down," I hit Kelly in the arm. "You not finna give birth in my car, believe that," she whipped her car into the front of the hospital. She turned it off and helped me inside, and let the nurses know I had gone into labor and needed a doctor.

When I was seated and wheeled off to a room, Kelly left to go find a parking space. After parking, she headed inside to the waiting room. I was wheeled into a room and some doctors helped me on the bed. "How frequent are the pains coming?" The doctor asked. "Every five minutes," I said rubbing my stomach in pain. "Let's get these off," the doctor said helping me out of my pants.

"Breath just breath," the doctor instructed. "Now, Ima need you to hold your breath and give one big push." "It hurts," I cried. I did as I was told and pushed. "Again ! I pushed with all my strength. "Ahhh! I had a death grip on the rail. "Your crowning, that's a good sign." "Push a few more times, then you can relax," the nurse said. "Ahhh! I pushed and I felt my hole get as wide as a football, then I heard crying and I blacked out.

Nurses and Doctors were all over the room, I felt and heard everything, but I couldn't move or speak. I was captured by darkness all around me. Is this what being dead feels like, I thought. I felt a sharp pain in my arm and assumed I must've been given some type of shot.

Hours later, my eyes fluttered open and there was no one around. I pressed the button next to me to alert the nurse. A nurse came in and checked my vitals. " Hi, I'm Katie and I'll be your nurse. Your vitals look to be in tip top shape," She said.

"Where's my baby, Is everything ok?" I asked looking around in a panic. "Your baby is right over here, she said picking my baby up out of its bassinet. "You gave birth to a healthy baby girl," She smiled handing my baby to me.

"Awww, your so precious," I cooed rubbing my baby's tiny hands. "I'm gonna name you Mahalia," I said kissing my baby on the forehead. She looked so sweet laying there like an angel. Kelly and Tito came bustling in the room. "What are you doing here?" I looked surprised when I saw Tito rushing to my side.

"What do you think, I wouldn't miss a moment like this for nothing in the world," Tito said gently grabbing Mahalia from me. "What should we name her?" Tito looked at me expectantly. "I already named her," I said. "You did?" Kelly and Tito asked looking at me surprised. "I named here Mahalia," I smiled and hoped they thought it was cute.

A day later, I signed some papers and was released to return home. " You need anything?" Kelly asked from the kitchen. She has been waiting on me hand and foot, but I think these were her actions just to stay over her. I was low key excited not to be alone.

"Yea, bring me a can of pineapples," I yelled back. Mahalia was laying in the middle of the bed surrounded by pillows. Since, she left the hospital she has been sleeping a lot. The doctor says its normal. She wakes up throughout the night and get fed and burped.

She loves to eat that's for sure.

Kelly walked over and handed me the pineapples with a fork. "Thanks," I said popping the can open. I missed Tito so much, there have been times I've been so horny without him. I don't see why people claim cold showers work, because it made me even hornier than usual. I've been so tempted to cheat on Tito, but I can't bring myself to do it. I know next time to use protection, cause I'm never having kids again," I chuckled to myself.

"Are you ok, over here laughing to yourself and shit," Kelly sat next to me. "Yea, I'm just laughing to myself thinking about how Tito and I are definitely using protection next time" "Tmi," Kelly said. We sat there watching TV and talking, until Mahalia started crying. "Duty Calls," Kelly said standing to her feet.

"These hoes ain't loyal ! My phone went off and I flicked the call button and answered. " Hello," I spoke into the phone. "Hey, how's my niece?" Tucker asked. "She doing good, mostly eating and sleeping," I said. "Can you send me a picture?" He asked. "Yea, give me a minute. I snapped a picture of Mahalia as she lay there sucking on her thumb. " I sent it." She's beautiful, I can already tell she's gonna be a heartbreaker," He teased.

"How's everything going with you?" I asked Tucker. "All good this way, I got all A's and B's on my report card." I could tell he was smiling from the excitement in his voice. "I'm so proud of you," I said. "No, I'm proud of us, because I realize it doesn't matter if you come from a broken home. What matters is how strong we've become and how our struggles shaped us into the people we are today."

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