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"Hey Felix!!! What are you doing" Aurora greets Felix. "Oh hey... Aurora" reply Felix. "Ermm.. You look handsome today" Aurora blush. "Are you sure?? But why did Elle never say like that ?? I think not handsome like you say.. " reply Felix with sad voice. "Aurora grab one of Felix hand, "Felix you are handsome, kind, and actually you are all girl ideal type" say Aurora. "Mm..Aurora??" ask Felix. "Yes?" reply Aurora with the sweetest smile. "Can you let go my hand?" Felix try to let go Aurora hand. "Im sorry Felix" Aurora let her hand go.

Felix POV
"She so cute today! Wait.... She always cute hehe!!" say Felix in his mind. "Hey Aurora... I had something to ask Ella for" Felix stand up and go towards Elle. "I'm gonna disturb her again" he feel so excited *mind*.

~At Elle table
Elle is drawing some anime character. Suddenly, Felix put his hand on Elle table. "Hey Elle, what are you doing?" Felix start a conversation. "Drawing" reply Elle. What is are you drawing?" ask Felix. "Anime" reply by Elle again. "OH! OH! I love anime too!!! What is your favorite anime?" ask Felix while taking a seat then sits. "Fairy tail" Elle say and still focus at her drawing. "Fairy tail? That is my favorite anime too!!! You know what!! Grey is my favorite character!! He so cool and i hope i can be cool like him!!!" Felix. "Owh ok then" Elle reply. "Elle... Did you just can speak only for a little?" ask Felix. "IDK" Elle stand up and go out from the classroom

Elle POV
"That boy is crazy!! He always disturbing me! i hate it" said Elle in mind and go to toilet.

In the toilet
Elle washing her face. Someone hold her shoulder. "BOOO!" Hazel trying to surprise Elle. Elle turn her body to look people that try to suprise her. "Yeah what?" Elle look calm. "How did you do that? You not even do any expressions! Are you really human?" Hazel touch Elle cheek when she speak. "im human" reply elle simple. "Btw did you see my cutie crush" Hazel ask Elle. "Yeah can we enter class now?" Elle. "Yeah sure" they walking back to class

In the class
"JORDANNN!!!!!" Aurora call Jordan. "Ye-yeah w-what??" Jordan. "Did the bell already ring?" Aurora ask. "Yeah but lecture maybe a bit late enter the class", Jordan tell. "Aurora did you see Elle?" Felix ask Aurora when Aurora was talk with Jordan. "FELIX!!!Well im sorry idk where she is. Did you need something at me?" Aurora ask Felix. The conversation of them two was watched by Jordan. "First Felix, Elle is right there. And Aurora can you came to my house this night? My mom will cooking a delicious food today" told Jordan. "Hey guys lecture is coming!" shout one of their classmate.. "Jordan i will be coming okey" say Aurora.

Okay guys!! Skip time!!

Class End~

"Guys!! Wait!! FELIX, JORDAN, ELLE AND HAZEL! Can we go to Cafe!" Aurora tell her plan to them. "YES!!!" Felix and Jordan say in same time. "How about you two?" Aurora ask Hazel and Elle. "Let me ask Elle first ok! Elle wanna join them? Or we just go home?" ask Hazel. "Just go home" reply Elle. "Elle please join us" Felix begged Elle. "No" Elle said and grab Hazel hand and walk away. "No don't go" Felix hold Elle hand, "i touch her hand i feel i gonna explode" Felix mind. "Come on Elle... Just join us" Jordan say to Elle. "Jordan want me to join them but i doesn't like Felix.. Aha i have an idea!" Elle mind, "Can i walk with Jordan only? Hazel, Aurora and Felix walk together? Can?" ask Elle. "Felix is mine Elle! One day he gonna be mine! Look what happen after this" Aurora mind, "Sure Elle but can I with Felix you with Hazel, Jordan?" ask Aurora. "Sure" reply Elle.

In the way to go to Cafe

Aurora grab Felix hand so them two like a couple. "Hey Aurora what are you doing?!" Felix talk with Aurora mad. "i just feel so cold i want to touch your hand so it keep warm." say Aurora to Felix. "ok then" Felix reply and turn back to look Elle, the one that he really fall in love with...

(A/N hi guys!!! im yashi!! did you like my story? im sorry my english is so bad.. im really sorry.. btw don't forget to comment and give me a star?? and if you follow me i will follow you back!! okey guys next update will be have later! Love you guys)

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