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Flashback(Aurora, 5 month ago")
"Mom don't drive very fast okay now is raining" Aurora reminded her mom. "Okey sweetie mom will drive slowly" mom laugh. "Mom i doesn't want you gooooo...."Aurora begging her mom. "Don't worry sweetie Jordan will came here and take care you when I not around." mom *hug* Aurora. "I need to go now sweetie" mom *enter the car and drive. "I hope nothing happened at mom" close the door. "It better if I called Jordan first" Aurora *take a phone from pocket and start dialing Jordan number*. "Please answer my call" Aurora said.

~Conversation on phone~
Jordan:Yes why Aurora?
Aurora:No need to came I stay at my friends 
Jordan:Ok then. Be careful okey? If you need            
               anything just call me in phone!
Aurora:OK. Bye.

"So now i need to call Felix!!" start dialing Felix number...

~Conversation on phone~
Felix:Yeah Aurora why?
Aurora: I need you rn.. Please come to my       home.. I need you by my side.. please...
Felix:ok wait me okey! i will be there in a minute
~Call ended~

Skip time Now Felix is in Aurora home~

"Hey..." *hug Felix*, Aurora.  "Heyyy" Felix feel shocked bcs Aurora suddenly hug him. "I feel save when you here"*still hug Felix*. "Just call me everytime when you need me, im always there for you." Felix say. "I love you" Aurora whisper. " What do you say? And Aurora where is aunt?" Felix ask and hug Aurora back. "Nothing. And mom is oustation, btw wanna watch movie?" *let the hug go*, Aurora. "Ok then" Reply Felix.

When they was watching a movie someone calls Aurora in phone. It Jordan mom...

~Conversation in phone~
J.Mom: Aurora i have something to tell you...
Aurora:What is that? Your voice like        something bad thing happen...
Aurora:Why my mom??? had incident...  a truck crush her car...
Aurora:mom....... i will go as soon as possible there..

Flashback end

"Felix..." said Aurora cry. "Please don't cry" Felix wipe Aurora tear. "Im here right. I always here... " Felix said. "Thanks..." Aurora said. "You're welcome" Said Felix and smile. "Felix i need to go rn... Jordan want me join them eat dinner.. see ya.." Aurora hug Felix last time. "I will take care your mom okey?" Felix hug Aurora back. After that Aurora take a taxi a go to Jordan house.

Elle POV
"I miss you... Where are you now..." Elle look in one picture. "No... No.. Elle... You can't with him... Doesn't you???... You came here just want to forget about him... Also... you can't with him doesn't you?? Bcs you... are Disgusting... You are.. fat... and you... are ugly... He... deserves get a better person... He handsome.... He deserves.. a pretty girl too.. and don't forget skinny... I guess him rn... have someone pretty... Im just hope he happy with anyone that his partner" said Elle and cry look at her picture with him.

"Im sorry Rudy i can't continue this.." Elle. "Why Elle??? What happen??" Rudy ask. "Rudy you are a popular you can't be my partner..." Elle say. "But why did i make something wrong?" Rudy ask Elle. "Everyone say to me i doesn't deserve to be your partner bcs im FAT UGLY and DISGUSTING" Elle smile fake. "Just don't hear them.. Elle.. please i still love you..." Rudy hug Elle. "me too..  But.." Elle push the hug. "But why Elle??? What!!!! I doesn't want lose you.. Idc if you ugly, fat or disgusting... You are wonderful in my eyes.. You are beautiful in your own way.. Elle please .. Why you make me like this..." Rudy ask. "Rudy... I want to see you with a pretty girl.." Elle said.. "But you are pretty for me..." Rudy reply. "Im sorry Rudy i doesn't have time anymore.. i need to go.. bye" Elle walk away. 

Flashback end
"Rudy...." Elle said.. and someone was calling her phone..

(Heyo guys!!! it Yashi again!!! Did you enjoy my story??? don't forget to give me a star if you love it!!! and you can share it!!! Btw i was do a mistake in chapter 2 i wrote it chapter 5.. Im sorry guys...)

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