Chapter One: A Rude Awakening

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An ancient corridor stood far below the desert sands, part of a massive network of ruined halls and once great architecture. By mortal hands it remained untouched for centuries, the books and artifacts within gaining dust from over twelve hundred years of silence; that is, until the ground above opened in several places.

A figure stirred within the corridor, illuminated by the pale blue light of a torch a few feet away. Small-framed, short, and miniscule, with a soft, feminine face, white skin, and an androgynous physique. Fluffy, cherry-blonde hair came down to the figure's neck, and their silver eyes remained squinted after they opened. They wore baggy, brown trousers and a white linen shirt.

The small form looked around the corridor and lifted themself into a sitting position. Where... am I? they thought. Just behind them, they heard movement, as well as a voice, "Who the hell are you?" The voice was female, young, and lilted. It would have been pleasant had its tone not been so threatening.

Who the hell are you? the words echoed throughout the corridor. It was a good question. The first figure thought for a moment and realised they didn't have an answer. They couldn't for the life of them remember a single fact about themself. The only thing they could think of was a name, "My name is Harper," they declared in a high, soft voice.

In an instant, Harper felt the presence of the voice move from behind them to their front. They then felt cold steel -the point of a smallsword- pressed gingerly against their neck. The small figure squeaked as the other person came into view, sneering menacingly from above. 

The girl had dark hair down to her shoulders and dark clothes to match. Hazel eyes stared down at Harper from a pale face with sharp features, highlighted with dark makeup. The figure was also rather tall.

"That doesn't quite answer my question, but it's a start. Did you cause that explosion?" the girl accused.

"What? Explosion?" Harper noticed the rubble around the two of them... What had happened?

"The one that sent us tumbling down here?" the girl seemed baffled by the response she had received. "The one that split open the ground in six different places! Did you hit your head or something?"

Harper stuttered, "Maybe? I... I don't know what's going on. I can't remember anything but my name."
The girl lowered her blade and stared at Harper for a moment, assessing them. "You don't seem like you're lying," the girl stated, "But that would mean you and that cute little voice of yours are useless."
"Cute?" Harper began to ask their own questions, but the girl had turned to walk away already. "Wait!"
The girl was already making her way down the corridor, "Bye." Harper stumbled onto their feet, running to catch up with the girl.

The rubble disappeared behind them as the pair continued through the dark corridor. They could see a brighter light in the distance, but the hallway still stretched out a great distance before them.

"Why are you following me, fool?" the girl asked suddenly.

Harper tilted their head, and had there been more light in the ruin the girl would have noticed their eyebrow was also raised. "There was only one way to go?" They waited for her to argue, but she only sighed in annoyance, evidently yielding to the fact that Harper had made a fair point. A few more steps of silence and the smaller figure spoke again, "So... You have a name?"

The girl didn't stop to look at her tag along. She grumbled, "Not one that'd matter to you. Why do you keep pestering me?"

Harper smiled, "I figured we should work together to get out of here. That would be easier if I knew your name, wouldn't it?"

The girl blinked a few times in confusion, "You'd just tag along with a complete stranger through a dangerous ruin? You're not gonna last long down here."

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