Chapter Thirteen

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Lana POV:

The next morning, I had woken up feeling weight on me.

I noticed that Cole's arm was around me. That's when I remembered calling him when I got home the night before.

Adam was still at the apartment so I didn't get the chance to talk to Sarah.

I slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake Cole and drug myself into the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

"Morning." Adam said as he poured himself a cup.

"Hey." I muttered. Fucker.

I looked at him for a short moment.

I was about to say something when Sarah walked into the kitchen.

"Hey." She said, giving Adam a kiss. This was pitiful.

"You okay?" She asked.

I gave her a sarcastic smile. "Peachy."

She could tell how upset I was at her and knew her ass was getting chewed out when we were alone.

A loud yawn came from down the hall making me laugh lightly.

"Hey, beautiful." Cole said before kissing my cheek. "Morning." I said and gave him a smile.

"Morning, new guy." Sarah said. "Really? Still with the new guy?" I asked. "It's a nickname. So what?" She asked.

Cole laughed lightly. "No worries, baby." He told me.

I noticed Adam giving Sarah a small glare. Jealousy. Apparently our dear Adam didn't approve of her talking to other guys.

"You good, Adam?" I asked, raising a brow.

He snapped his attention to me, his glare instantly vanishing. "Yeah, all good." He replied.

I'm sure it is. I can't keep this to myself much longer. I just got a sneak peak of the real Adam.

"Sarah, can I talk to you? Alone." I said, sternly. "Yeah." She said quietly.

I took her hand and drug her into my bedroom, locking the door.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I whispered. "I'm afraid to break up with him okay!" She whispered back, angrily.

"I warned you, Sarah Elizabeth. I don't have a choice." I told her.

"Please, for the love of god, don't tell Dad." Sarah begged.

"Go in there, right now, and make him leave. If you don't, I'm going to dad. Today." I said.

"Lana, I'm begging you. Don't do this." Sarah cried.

"He will kill you." I said angrily. "No he won't. Just give me time." Sarah replied.

I glared harshly at her as my hands shook. "The end of the day, Sarah. No longer." I said before going back into the kitchen.

Ryder POV:

"Did Lana seem a little off yesterday?" Samuel asked.

Shit. Don't say, Ryder. Don't say it.

"Maybe? She seemed exhausted." I replied.

"Yeah... Maybe." Samuel muttered.

"I'm gonna head home, Sam. I'll see you soon." I told him before heading home.

When I walked through the door, I decided to call Lana.

"Hey." She answered quietly.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well." I told her.

"Hey was still at my house when I fucking got up this morning." I growled.

"We can't keep this a secret any longer, Lan. Your dad needs to know." I replied.

"I gave her until the end of the day. If she doesn't leave him then I'm telling dad in the morning when I take him home." Lana said.

"Good. Call me tonight to keep me updated." I told her.

"Will do." She said before ending the call.

Lana POV:

Cole and I had plans for me to stay the night with him that night. I was going to leave early the next morning to pick up my dad.

When I pulled into his driveway, I noticed another car.

After I got out and headed to the door, it opened.

A woman was standing there, and that's when I saw it.

Cole came up behind her and kissed her.

He looked up when she walked down the steps and saw me.

"Oh, God." I turned and rushed to my car.

"Lana!" He yelled chasing after me.

"Stay the hell away from me!" I yelled back.

He grabbed my arm but I turned to smack him.

"Baby, I'm so sorry."

"How long?" I asked as tears streamed down my face. "Lana."

"How long!" I yelled. He paused for a moment. "A month." He said quietly.

I shook my head. "I'm such an idiot." I said and got into my car.

When I got home, I slammed the door behind me.

"Lana?" Sarah asked as she rushed to catch up with me. "Lana, what happened? I thought you were staying with Cole tonight." She said.

I sat on my bed and finally let myself break down.

"I saw another woman there. She was leaving just as I got there. I saw him kissing her." I said as I cried in my hands.

"God, Lan. I'm so sorry." Sarah said as she sat next to me. "I need to be alone." I whispered. "Okay." Sarah said softly, before closing the door behind her.

I didn't want to be alone. Sarah just wasn't the one I needed at that moment. I needed Ryder.

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