Chapter Thirty Four

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Lana POV:

As I stood, nervously waiting for Ryder to show up, I checked my surroundings and held my dagger close to me. I had the worst feeling that something bad had happened to Sarah. That whoever was working with Adam had taken her.

I was so afraid for my sister that for the first time in almost five years, I closed my eyes and prayed.

Since my mother died, I had lost all faith in God. I still believed, but I just thought he never cared. I still don't, because if he did, why let good people suffer and die at such young ages? Why allow so much evil in the world? Why bother with anything if he's going to sit back and watch the world tear itself apart?

My sister on the other hand, never lost her faith. Sure, she thought it was a damn shame that I lost my faith, but she never pushed me on it. She understood because people always need someone to blame and all my anger and grief towards my mother's death, I pushed toward God and blamed him for everything wrong in the world. I still hear my sister pray every night and that's fine. It helps her cope with all the shit going on in our lives.

Ryder pulled in on his motorcycle and rushed to my side.

"Are you hurt?" He asked. "No, but I still haven't seen Sarah. We meet right here every day after class and she's not here. I'm so worried, Ryder." I rambled. "We'll find her, baby." He replied.

"I need to tell dad." I said. "The club already knows. I called Sam before I got here. He's checking the safe houses of the Vipers." Ryder replied. I shook my head. "I don't think they would take her somewhere we know where to look." I told him.

"Do you have any ideas?" He asked. My eyes widened with realization. "The GPS on her phone. Dad made us turn the GPSs in case something like this happened.

Ryder immediately pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Danny, track the signal on Sarah's GPS. It should be turned on." He said before hanging up.

"We need to get you home. You aren't safe out in the open right now." Ryder told me and lead me to his bike.

My hands were shaking as I thought about what Sarah could have been going through at that moment.

When we pulled up to the club house, my dad rushed to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine, dad." I mumbled.

"Let's get you inside." He replied softly, leading me into the house.

When I walked in, I noticed Kade pacing in the living room.

He looked up at me and slight relief came across his face but the fear still remained.

"Are you okay, Lan?" He asked. "Yeah." I said.

Kade let out a deep breath and nodded.

"Meeting, now." Dad said.

Ryder POV:

Sam lead the group into his office and sat behind his desk.

"Anything, Danny?" He asked. "Almost boss. We have the area, I'm just waiting on the exact location." Danny replied.

"Who the hell could have done this? We haven't had a single fucking lead and we've been searching for weeks now. Mother fucker knows how to stay low." Marley said.

"Got it." Danny said suddenly. "Where?" Kade asked.

"She's at a warehouse in Morristown." Danny replied.

"Let's ride, boys." Samuel said before leaving the office.

Morristown was about an hour ride from the club house. When we pulled into the warehouse, there were guards posted at every exit. Fuck.

"There has to be at least ten of them out here. God only knows how many inside." Marley told the group.

"How do you want to do this, boss?" I asked. "We need a distraction first of all." Samuel replied.

"What do we do?" Kade asked. "It's dangerous but I think I know." Samuel said. "What is it?" Danny asked.

Samuel then stepped out of the shadows and started to slowly approach the guards. Is he fucking crazy?

"Hold it!" One of the guards said, pointing his gun at Samuel.

"Okay, they have his attention. Let's move." I told the group as we made our way around the bushes we were hiding behind.

"I'm only here to talk." Samuel told them.

The group followed me around back. There was no exit, only a window. Well, at least there is that.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket but ignored it. It had to wait.

Lana POV:

I hid in my bedroom closet as I heard footsteps echo through the upstairs of the house.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." A male voice called out. He sounded so familiar but I couldn't put a face to it.

Suddenly, my bedroom door opened with a crash.

"Come on, baby. I just want to talk." The man said.

As his voice got closer, I began to recognize it. Oh God, no.

Then my closet door, opened and I was dragged out. The man looked at me with a menacing smile on his face.

"Miss me?" He asked.

"Cole." I whispered.

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