chapter 12:

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I reached 196 followers trying to get up to 200 followers

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1 story is still climbing up (idk if its popularity) is

Gate battlefield bad company fought there 8.44k reads man that's alot didn't think at first it was that good of a story

Earlier i just hit 197 followers

Thank you

Aircraft carrier

Hibari is riding with jennifer hawkins for ninja first air mission,  light faction been involved in several missions that are outside of their juristriction military have kept them a secret without public knowing there existance.

Senki shu had fucked everything they protect so dearly just by alliancing with mercenaries called legioneer just to get what the terroist clan wanted, half of their city is liberated but their plans have spread to Japan's waters.

They got miki's location labled as a HVT besides senki shu wanted war they got one now they die for the first time, f18 took off


Hawkins: << shark 1 - 4 radar contact fast tally two there lying death tone back >>

Hail of vulcan rounds flying beside the conopy 2 sukoi fighters passed by them, they engage in dogfight, hibari starts recording the fight until the end.

Later on

After killing several fighters (this time didn't lose her wingman, they met up squad of a10s to bomb run a base occupied by mercs & senki shu grunts.

Hibari: << there she is * using her kagan eyes to zoomed on her location * she seem desperate >>

Hawkins: << how did you .... nevermind locked on the target >>

Hibari: << hai i'm sorry miki chan but you chose the path & anger every one of us >>

Miki comm: << i'll die for the crime i did >>

Missile was launched killing her & the rest of them, Jennifer has felt pity of miki dying like that even if she is a teenager, f18 return to base.

Senki shu are considered



senran kagura: battlefield (recker x miyabi) b company CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora