Chapter 1

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Sarah was sitting on a rock next to a river. She was thinking of the time when she saw the sword fly off, indicating Alan's survival. She went to Kade with the news, but he simply called her delusional and told her she was just grieving. That was nearly 16 years ago, and there have been no other signs. Then, an idea came to mind. She was done waiting, she was done feeling sorry for herself. She snuck out at night with a bag full of supplies and she left on a journey to find her lost hero. That was 2 years ago. She is now in an unknown forest with a river in front of her. She has traveled who knows how far and she has yet to find any clues. Well, except for the regular sudden lightning storms that seem to come out of nowhere. She had been following their winds, hoping to find some hint as to where Alan was. Cerberlodus has also been confirmed dead. He hadn't made an appearance since the Great Clash. That's what they had called it. It had been so sudden, and there was no warning. Everyone had just woken up when Alan saw Cerberlodus and attacked. Sarah remembered how heroic he was. She wondered why he would just disappear like this. Surely he would have found his way back by now? Unless... he wasn't trying to return. Sarah got off her resting place and grabbed her leaf bag and continued walking. She continued to think about Alan as she did. He was the perfect match for anyone. Sarah would go to the ends of the Earth to find him. He was her love, and she she felt for him with everything she had. Also, all the Tribes has heard of him. He may have resided with them, but he saved all of the others. Sarah was glad he had landed with them. Sarah then realized how he must feel. So many years here, he had never found a way back home. He had come here from another universe, and has been stuck here ever since. She pushed through some trees and was amazed at what she saw. "Another Tribe!" She looked at the small village, and she decided to ask around for any clues. She approached the clearing when she heard a cough behind her. She whipped around to see a grey wolf sitting on a rock. "Who are you and why are you here?" He asked with a hint of annoyance. Sarah turned to face him. "I'm Sarah Housepaw of the Forest Tribe." The wolf's eyes widened. "The Forest Tribe? The one that Thunderheart stayed with?" She nodded. "I'm on an expedition to find him." He looked at her suspiciously. "Why are you so keen on finding him that you'd leave your Tribe?" He asked. Sarah blushed embarrassed. "Ah well, I'm kinda his..... er.... girlfriend." She said with her face red. The wolf approached her. "Well then, I'm Samuel. Nice to meet you." He said putting his paw out. Sarah shook it. "May I speak to your leader? I'm here for any clues as to where Ala- I mean... Thunderheart went." Sarah almost gave away his name. He had asked her to keep it a secret from all other Tribes back in Cerberlodus' castle. Samuel nodded. He led her to the den in the middle of their village and knocked. "Ice, there's someone here who would like to speak with you. The door creaked open and there stood a tall wolf who looked rather young. He had pale blue fur and cold blue eyes. He looked at her. "I assume you're the one he's referring to?" He said. She nodded. He gestured for her to come in, and she complied. He turned to her. "Well then, what is it that you need?" Sarah told him all about Thunderheart's history with her Tribe and how she was trying to find him. "Do you or your Tribe have any clues as to where he could be?" She finished. Ice looked down in thought. "Now that I think about it, about 10 years ago, one of my patrols discovered some slash marks on trees and a trail of footsteps pretty far North of here." He said. Sarah thanked him for his help and ran to where he said they were. After about a 5 minutes she arrived. They were correct. The trees had large sword-slash marks covering their trunks and their was a trail of large footstep leading away. Sarah followed them with her eyes and gasped. They were pointing towards a mountain very, very far away. Sarah then realized something. Alan had taught her how to make and use a compass. She had been tracking the wind directions of the storms, and assumed they were heading away from Alan. The winds were always heading West, which meant if she was right that Alan would be somewhere East if her village. She took the compass from her bag and looked at it. With some simple calculations, she realized what would confirm every theory. The winds were coming from that mountain. She looked back up to it. "I finally found you." She whispered to herself happily. "Don't worry, I'm coming."

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