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Hey! Here's a little chapter I wrote this afternoon. It's short but I wanted to post it today. There will be a sequel of course! ;) (sorry for any mistakes)

Hopper was sitting in a chair next to the bed where Joyce was sleeping. He had put one of his hands around hers. She seemed peaceful despite all the hard work she had just done. Their little girl had been capricious in coming into the world, but Joyce had been strong as always. Hopper couldn't stop crying when the nurse placed the tiny baby in his arms. He then kissed Joyce as if his life depended on it and thanked her with all his heart before letting her fall into the arms of Morpheus. The two women he loved most in the world were now asleep and he hadn't wanted to leave them. The children would arrive any moment and he wanted to be sure he would be there when El saw her little sister for the first time.

Rose suddenly began to moan, and Jim got up slowly to go and hold her so that she wouldn't wake her mother. Rose was so tiny that at first he had been afraid to hold her, but as soon as the child was up against her father's chest, she calmed down immediately.

"Hush, easy, princess! Mama is still sleeping. "

He walked around the room, at least as much as he could, cradling his daughter.

A few minutes passed before Rose really began to cry. Jim tried to calm her down, but to no avail.

"I think your princess is hungry," Joyce said in a voice that was still asleep.

"Hey! Look who's awake!"

Joyce got up on the bed and smiled. She placed a pillow under her shoulders to keep her as upright as possible and reached out to Hopper, who placed their daughter in her arms.

Hopper took his place on the chair as Joyce began to feed Rose.

"She's so beautiful, Joyce." He said before he put a kiss on his wife's temples. "You're wonderful."

Joyce smiled shyly.



"Look at her. It's all because of you."

"You too," Joyce replied, laughing softly.

Hopper stood up to kiss her and she kissed him back.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too." Joyce said, placing a hand on Jim's cheek.

As Hopper settled back into the chair, there was a knock on the door.

The adults didn't even have time to answer that their three other children were coming into the room.

"Mom! Mom! Can we see her?"they exclaimed in chorus.

"Slowly kids", tried to calm them down Hop.

But they were so excited that they almost jumped to the spot. Only Jonathan was slightly backwards, with a smile on his face.

Hopper calmed them down while Rose finished eating. Once Joyce got dressed, she let the children approach.

"She's tiny!" Will exclaimed.

"She's a baby!" Retorted Jonathan.

El said nothing. She stood motionless next to Joyce who didn't know what to think.

"You okay, honey?" She finally asked.

No answer.

"El?" Said Hopper.


Tears began to roll down the teenage girl's cheeks.

"El..." worried Joyce.

"I'm... I'm so happy."

"Oh sweetheart..." Joyce said, holding back her tears.

"Is... Is she really my little sister?"

Hopper smiled at his daughter's happiness and perhaps misunderstanding. She hadn't yet fully understood the concept of being pregnant and had been on the verge of panic when Joyce felt the first contractions. So it was hard for El to imagine that her little sister was coming from her mother's belly.

"Yes, it is your sister, El," Hopper said.

Hopper leaned a little more toward Rose. She gently touched the baby's head with her fingertips as if a simple touch could have broken it.

"She... Why doesn't she open her eyes?" she asked, this time putting her hand completely on Rose's cheek.

But no sooner had El's hand made contact with Rose's face than she opened her blue eyes wide and plunged them into her big sister's. She was speechless as her parents exchanged glances of complicity. They concluded with this simple look that the two sisters would probably be the best friends in the world.

Two days later, it was time for Joyce and Rose to go home. Hopper had gone to pick them up while the children were still at school so Joyce could be alone for a few hours and take care of her. It was about 1:00 p.m. when Hopper opened the door to her hospital room. Joyce had already packed all her things in her bag. Hopper couldn't help but smile when he saw his wife who had been lying there for 3 days overflowing with energy. He came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Take it easy Joyce, we're in no hurry." He reassured her.

"I know, but...

She turned to face him, her face tensing slightly.

You know I don't like hospitals, she continued. You know... Bad memories... And I feel oppressed, I need some air!"

"I know, I know. Take Rose, I'll get your bag."

Joyce nodded and walked to the little plastic cradle where Rose was lying.

"Hey Sweetheart! We're going home."

She took her daughter most delicately in her arms and followed Hop to the exit. Hop settled the last paperwork before heading to their car.

Throughout the ride, which was quite short, Joyce didn't let Rose out of her sight. Hopper wondered if she was going to get a stiff neck.

"She's not going to disappear, Joyce."

"I... I know. It's just"

"I know." Hopper replied, grabbing one of his hands.

She turned to him and put a kiss on his cheek, happier than ever.

Jopper one shot: Go to the lakeWhere stories live. Discover now