I'll be there for you

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Hey! Here's a new chapter! The fact that I post it after the others takes a little bit of the suspense out of it but I loved writing it! I find that the friendship between Joyce and Karen is not exploited enough in the show, maybe it will be more in season 4!
Feel free to leave a comment! ;)

Joyce was in her third trimester. She was still working at Melvald but had promised Jim she would quit at the end of her seventh month. She had rejected Hopper's arguments that she should not work any more, saying that she would be bored if she stayed home. He sighed as he accepted the deal. How stubborn she could be, he thought! But she was Joyce, he knew her too well, he knew that when she had an idea in her head, nothing and no one could change her mind. The proof when Will had disappeared, she hadn't stopped looking for him when everyone had given up. And he admired her for that, that tenacity she had. He had then started to look at her tenderly, and when she noticed that he didn't say a word, she looked up at him. "What? "she said. "Nothing. You're perfect, I love you. "he replied without taking his expressive face out of her eyes. "God Hop, I'm not..." He looked up at the sky before he took her in his arms. "You are, for me."
Joyce was thinking back to that moment, leaning against the counter, her eyes lost. She sometimes found it hard to believe she was having a baby with Chief Jim Hopper. Three years ago, she would have laughed in your face if you had told her that. But she had to admit that being younger, she had often imagined this scenario. She was startled when a voice pulled her out of her daydream.

"Joyce? Are you there?"

"Oh Hey Karen. Sorry, I just..."

"You were completely in the moon. You wouldn't happen to be thinking of a certain chief of police by any chance, would you?"

Joyce bit her lip, guilty as charged. She knew there was no point in lying to Karen Wheeler.

Her friend laughed at her reaction.

"Tell me, how's it going?"

Joyce smiles at her before she speaks.
"Very well," she says. "In fact, it hasn't been this good since..." She suddenly looked down. "For too long..."

Karen approached the counter and took Joyce's hands in hers.

"You deserve to be happy Joyce. And I know Jim makes you happy, just by looking at you. Two teenagers completely in love with each other, just like old times!"

"What? No, we're not-"


"Okay, Maybe..."

Karen winked at her and Joyce looked up at the sky, a little embarrassed. She didn't like to talk about her feelings, but Karen seemed to know her better than she did herself. She had to admit that she liked Karen a lot, she didn't need to talk to her much for her friend to understand what she meant. Even though she sometimes hated Karen and resented her for having such a stable life, she had been her only friend all her life.

"What about the baby? Is the baby okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine. We went to the doctor yesterday. All clear."

"You already know what it is?"

"No... We'd rather wait."

Karen nodded.

"Okay, I'll get what I need, I'll be right back."

Joyce watched her walk away into the rays with both hands against her stomach. No, they didn't know yet if they were going to have a girl or a boy, but secretly Joyce hoped with all her heart to give birth to a baby girl.

"Hey, Joyce, don't you have any batteries? It's for Holly's toy..."

Karen didn't get an answer so she got closer to Joyce.


When she came into her field of vision, she saw Joyce, her face tense, holding her stomach.

"Omg Joyce you're ok??"

She nodded her head as she refrained from screaming in pain. Karen walked around the counter and dialed the hospital.

"No, no, no," cried Joyce, "It's... It's too soon!"

As Karen hung up, she helped Joyce into the chair.

"I know, Joyce, I know. Just sit down, breathe, you're gonna be okay, okay? I'm sure it's nothing serious."

Joyce wasn't listening, she had started crying and was holding her belly as if to prevent her baby from escaping.

"Joyce! Look at me!"

Joyce suddenly looked up in surprise.

"It's going to be okay, all right? It happens sometimes, don't worry, your baby's safe, you told me yesterday everything was fine. The ambulance is on its way, but I promise you everything is going to be okay! Do you understand me?"

"Yes," Joyce whispered between contractions. "I'm scared, Karen."

"I know, but I'm here, no matter what."

Joyce reached out a hand to her friend, who grabbed it and held it tight.

"Can you call Jim, please?"

"Yes, I-" 

Karen didn't have time to finish her sentence when an ambulance arrived outside the store. Two paramedics arrived and Karen explained the situation to them while Joyce's pain was still present. She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on her breathing and the words Karen had said to her, but soon the pain took over and she collapsed unconscious.

When she opened her eyes she was blinded by the white light in the hospital room. A regular beep sounded next to her. She turned her head to the right to find Karen sitting on a chair with her eyes closed. Joyce reached out her arm and put her hand on her friend's knee to let her know she was awake. Karen quickly opened her eyes and stood up to lean towards Joyce.

"Are you feeling better?"

Joyce nodded.

"My... my baby?" She asked, more worried than ever.

"He's fine, don't worry."

"What happened?"

"I'm going to get the doctor to warn him and have him explain."


"I'll be right back."

She left the room and came back a few minutes later with a doctor.

"Mrs. Byers, you're awake!"

"What happened to my baby?" She asked immediately.

"Nothing serious. He wanted to turn around and had to block a vein, which explains the pain and then fainting. It happens from time to time. Don't worry, we did a CT scan, he's fine, there's nothing wrong with him now. I just wish you'd stop working. I think your baby's warning you it's time, too. I have also warned your doctor, Dr. Owens, he agrees with me to see you more regularly to check that everything is going well but I reassure you, there is nothing to be alarmed about."

Joyce nodded, happy that everything is all right. Then she turned to Karen.


Karen smiled at her and put a hand on her arm, telling her that he was warned and that he would be arriving soon. Joyce wanted to wait but, still a little shocked, she fell asleep again a few moments later.

She opened her eyes again 30 minutes later, feeling a hand caressing her cheek. A smile lit up under her face as her gaze fell into Jim's eyes.


"Joyce. You scared me, you know?"


"No, don't worry. Karen told me everything. But I really freaked out when I heard your name and the word hospital..."

Joyce closed her eyes, imagining the fear Jim must have felt. She was well aware of the panic that comes over you when you're told a loved one is in danger.

She put a hand on Jim's cheek, and Jim leaned over to kiss her.

"And you," he said, addressing Joyce's belly, "you better not scare us like that again! Do you understand me?"

And as if the baby had indeed heard his father's remark, Joyce felt him kick. She couldn't stop laughing.

"What time is it? Children, we must..."

"Don't worry, Karen's taking care of it, they'll be here soon."

"What? No! I don't want them to see me like this, they..."

Hopper took Joyce's hands in his own.

"Joyce, they're your kids, they need to know you're okay. And you want me to tell you?"


"You're beautiful."

Joyce looked up at the sky and smiled, but she quickly lost her smile.

"Hop, if... if anything happens..."

"Nothing's going to happen to you," he cut it off, "Believe me. You can trust the doctors."

"I know. But if--"


"Jim, listen to me! " She had raised her voice to scare Hopper, and now she was looking him straight in the eye. He could do nothing but keep his mouth shut.

"If something happens," she continued, "promise me you won't give up. Promise me you'll take care of our baby as well as you can and don't run away."

"Joyce... Don't say things like that."

"Promise me Hop. " Her tone hadn't changed, she was still serious, her gaze deeply ingrained in Jim's.

"I... I don't know if I can go on without you, but... I promise you I will never, ever give up, Joyce."

"I know, I trust you, but I needed to hear you say it. " She said as he came to lay his forehead against hers.

"But know that leaving without you when this baby is born is not an option, you have no choice."

She smiled and took her face in her hands.

"I'll do my best."


She wanted to kiss him, but there was a knock on the door and without giving them a chance to answer, it opened on their three children.

"Mom, are you okay? "Jonathan asked immediately.

Hopper stepped aside to let the youngsters approach. After reassuring them all and explaining what had happened, Hopper took the children home and then returned to pick up Joyce, who wanted to stay a little longer to see Dr. Owens, who would be back soon.

When Dr. Owens' visit was over, Joyce was a little more reassured than she had been a few moments earlier. Karen went into her friend's room and sat down next to her.

"Thank you, Karen. "said Joyce with a grateful smile.

"No, it's okay, you know I'll always be there for you, Joyce."

"About that, I wanted to ask you something."

"I'm listening."

"If... I know that for the moment everything is fine but... If something should happen to me... Will you take care of... of my family but especially..."
Joyce had trouble finishing her sentence. She hadn't had to insist that Karen listen to her, she knew that her friend had gone through a similar situation with Holly. Karen fully understood her fears.

"Of course Joyce! I'll take care of them as if they were my own children, you know that. And I'll make sure Jim keeps his head above water, you can count on me."

It wasn't really in Joyce's character, but she couldn't help but take her friend in her arms and hug her as hard as she could.

Karen then moved away from her and put a rebellious lock of hair back behind Joyce's ear.

"But everything is going to be all right, Joyce. You're a fighter. You've always been the strongest of us all."

Joyce looked down.

"I assure you. Then look, you survived... All those strange events, you saved the man you love, not to mention kicking out your idiot husband,..."


"You're the one I'll never be. You've always been on your own, you've raised two beautiful, smart boys on your own again despite all the hardships you've faced, you've fought to the bitter end to find Will,... Joyce you're my hero. You always have been."

Joyce had tears in her eyes from what her friend had just said.

"I... I don't know what to say..."

Karen smiles.

"Don't say anything then. I'll wait for Jim to come back with you. I love you, Joyce."

"I love you too, Karen."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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