Stuck In A Box: Part 1

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His bones were on the brink of snapping and joints on the edge popping, making it so The Boy could barely move. Sitting on a wagon with screeching wheels, his sole company turned out to be the salt that rubbed against his wounds. The Boy gasped for fleeting air, wishing to break out of the miserable box entrapping him.

Though, his mind was quiet and for once, his ears weren't filled with throaty screems. He was alone, other than the hodded driver. Away from "mama".

The wagon stopped unexpectedly. His box flew out of the wagon and hit the ground with a thud.

He squeezed his eyes shut, but grinned, grateful for the flower scented air inflating his collapsing lungs. A delicate breeze drifted by, rustling the woods and cooling off The Boy. Listening to the buzzing of bees, The Boy chuckled, his muscles relaxing. His body followed, leading him towards sleep. He yanked himself back with a sob as the wagon spoke with the dirt that carried it along.

When his eyes dried, he went over possible scenarios. What if the guards dragged him away or a pack of ravenous wolves shredded him to bits? He shuddered, imagining wolf cubs gnawing on and playing with his raw skeleton, knowing they were the better option. So, he let the wildlife's activities replace his depressing thoughts.

Chirping birds' melodies were eventually cut off by an overjoyed female voice. "Look what I found, Jiden!"

The Boy froze.

Rustling came from nearby. "A box, Kaylit." Jiden said, his deep tone weighed by sarcasm. "Wow. So fascinating."

Kaylit's hyper voice appeared right beside The Boy. "I bet there's a puppy in there."

Jiden's closer voice felt off guard. "Wait... What?"

Kaylit sat on the box with a gentle sigh. "Yeah! In human movies, there's always puppies in boxes!"

Jiden sighed. "Are you serious?"

"Duh!" Kaylit said, "plus, I really want a puppy!"

"You and I both know Masteron won't let you have a pet," Jiden said.

Keeping an ear against the roof of the box, The Boy frowned.

"Plus," Jiden continued, "we don't even know there's a dog in there, much less anything alive."

"Thanks for that, bro," Kaylit grumbled, "always have to be Mr. I Crush Hopes And Dreams."

"Excuse me!" Kaylit exclaimed as a disgusting smell came from her underside. The Boy reeled back, coughing.

Kaylit leaped off the box with a gasp. "Did you hear that?"

Jiden snorted. "Dogs can cough now? What's next? Emria won't force me to marry her?" A long awkward pause cut apart alternative thoughts. "Oh wait. That happened yesterday."

Kaylit groaned. "Why was I cursed with a moron for a twin? There must be a human in there. And side note! I appreciate Emira."

"Traitor!" Jiden exclaimed, "every boy drools over her. But me. I'm the one she likes."

Kaylit backed away. "Try to be nice. When you're at it, help me get the human out!"

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