Stuck In A Box: Part 2

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Sam backed away. "Gonna fill me in?"

The man grinned, stepping forward. "Come. I'll tell you."

Sam frowned. This guy was bad news. "No thanks."

The man looked to an alley. "I'm Chance. My boss runs these streets."

Sam needed to find Penny. 

"I'll keep walking."

Chance successfully pulled off Sam's hood. "How'd you get those scars?"

Sam pulled his hood back over his face and glared up at Chance. His fists curled. There was no way Sam would tell Chance.

"Why'd you do that?" Chance reached to pull Sam's hood back off. Sam grabbed his arm with one hand and grabbed his collar with the other. He bent his knees and placed his feet in a T position then turned his hips. Sam pivoted his feet and watched his right hand as if he were checking the time until he flipped Chance over. Chance landed on the ground with a thud and groaned.

Chance immediately hopped back up. "Good to see the fighter in you, Silver."

Sam froze. "How do you know my code name?"

Two sky-blue eyes appeared out of the shadows. Penny's eyes were trained on him. Her golden blond hair was put up in a bun and the bottom half of her face covered in a cloth. Painted on the cloth was a Lily, in honor of their lost daughter.

Lily was taken from them when Sam was arrested. He'd never see her again. Sam was a bit pained. He didn't like to think about Lily. But, he smiled anyway.

Sam used Penny's code name. "Why hello, Sky."

"Follow me." Sky said briskly.

They turned into an alleyway that reeked worse than the street. Sam gasped, getting a stronger whiff of the scent, only to cough a moment later. He placed a hand on the wall to steady himself only to quickly pull it away. Coating the wall was a thick layer of goo. It was slimy, sticky, and dripping from Sam's hand. Sam tried not to gage as he wiped it off onto his cloak. Suddenly, Sky reeled around and slapped him.

2/19/20- "Stuck In A Box; Part 1" critiqued by friend.

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