English 1

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Dee sighed. "I'm going to start my fun and I'll see y'all later." Dee grabbed his stuff and stood up. He pulled Remus close and kissed his cheek before walking off. Roman stood and messed with hair for a moment before grabbing his stuff and following Dee out the door to head to his class.

"Welp, as my little juicy buttsnake go and do his plan, I should start with mine. Luckily," Remus chuckled darkly. "Logan and I have the same math class." Remus started packing his stuff and Virgil did the same. 

"You're lucky. I'm stuck in the English class with both Patton and Roman. At least you only have to deal with one, Ree." Virgil replied. Remus shrugged. He wished that he could be there for Virgil. Virgil is fragile and Remus was overprotecting about people he cares for. The two males walked out of homeroom. Seeing that Dee was already working his magic of deception with some students. Remus looked at Virgil and smirked. "Hey, this is the perfect time to crawl into Patton's easy-going heart! But, Virgil, if you ever do need anything, I'm just a text, call, and/or desk away." Remus winked as he headed down the hallway. While he pass by Dee, Remus gave him a little smack to the booty and continued walking towards his and Logan's math class.

Dee was talking to some students, whispering little lies to them until he felt his ass getting smacked. He turned and looked at Remus with a faint blush before turning back to the others. "I get it, Roman is quite popular but I truly do think he uses the other two! Or maybe he's in a relationship with one or both of them." Dee said casually, hearing their whispers. "Well, I have to go to class. Bye!"

Roman was unaware of the rumor about him being spread, after all, he had to keep his grades up which was hard enough. He wasn't the smartest. He'd leave that to Logan which he would usually ask for help if Logan wasn't too busy. He walked into his class and sat down with a sigh.

Virgil chuckled slightly to himself. Seeing what Remus did to Dee. He started heading the opposite way to get to the English room. As he entered, he already saw Roman and Patton together in the front row of seats. Virgil would normally seat in the back but he didn't want to disappoint his friends so he sat in the front row. He placed his backpack beside him and pulled out his sketchbook. He didn't realize that he was drawing Patton. He guessed because he was thinking so much on the best way to succeed in ruining Patton, he ended up drawing the lighthearted, go-lucky boy. 

Roman heard movement and glanced over to see Virgil in the front. He was taken back, surprised to see the emo nightmare sitting up front. Roman scoffed lightly and quite loudly, not shaking the feeling that they were up to something. He just couldn't put a finger on it. "Maybe it's a one-time thing." Roman thought before turning his attention back to the front as English was the one thing he paid attention in, somewhat.

"Mr. Virgil!" The teacher yelled. Making everyone, especially, poor little Virgil to jump. Virgil looked up upon the mid-aged woman that was now standing in front of him. "How come you're drawing during my class? Care to share to everyone here what you're drawing?"

"Shit." Virgil thought. He totally forgot that he wasn't supposed to draw during English. That was why he usually sat in the back. He would've cursed out the teacher but he looked over to Patton. He had to make a good impression in front of the Lighthearted goofball. He sighed. "It helps me to forces, ma'am..." He mumbled. He feared if he raised his voice, he would start being rude. His anxiety started kicking in.

"Give me the sketchbook, Mr. Virgil." She handed out her hand towards Virgil. He sighed and gave her the book. She looked at the sketchbook and her once stern expression disappeared. The teacher looked up from the sketchbook and looked at Patton. "Virgil, you should share your artwork more. This is so realistic. Mind if I show him?" Virgil was about to say no but then thought for a moment. This may be a good way to start a convocation with Patton. Virgil shrugged. The teacher took the sketchbook and walked over to Patton and Roman. She placed the sketchbook between the two boys. Neatness to say, the two boys where in shocked and impressed. Patton looked over to Virgil and he just gave a half small before looking down. The teacher took back the sketchbook and placed it on her desk. "You can get the book back after class. This is still class and you're going to do work." She went back to teaching.

Roman couldn't believe that the emo nightmare could actually draw so well, to say he was impressed was an understatement. He shook his head, trying to hold on to that anger he had for the dark sides and was failing. He glanced at Virgil and gave a half-assed smile before turning his attention back to the class.

Virgil's anxiety was already at a high. I couldn't force knowing that he doesn't have his sketchbook and now that everyone is looking at him. He pulled out his purple spiderwebbed cased phone. He went into his contacts and started texting on the group chat between Remus, Dee, and him. Until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up and it was Patton. "Hey, that was a really good drawing, Kiddo! Didn't realize you were such an artist!" Patton whispered.

"You want it?" Virgil asked. Patton looked at him confused. "The drawing, Patton. Do you want it?" Patton looked shocked. "Umm... yeah. I would love it but I don't even know your name, Kiddo." Virgil chuckled and shook his head. "It's Virgil. Let me sign it when I get the sketchbook back and I'll give it to you." Virgil smiled slightly. Patton quietly clapped his hands and gave Virgil a hugged. Virgil stiffens up at the sudden hug. "Thank you, Vee!" Patton went back to paying attention to class. Virgil's anxiety went away slightly from the convocation he had with Patton. He put away his phone and tried to pay attention to the teacher. Though, his mind drifted off on thinking about his sketchbook and his plan. Getting close to Patton might be easier than he thought.

Roman kept glancing at them, not fully trusting the nightmare. Yet, he still needed to pay attention to class, after all, a prince can't act if he can't use English well. He took another glance at the male, not quite hearing his name but getting a grasp that it started with a V.

Dee groaned and looked at his phone, wanting something interesting to happen. He looked up, hearing the whispers of his lie spread around the classroom from the lie he told the few other students he was talking to. "Not going to be a hotshot now are you 'RoRo'?" Dee thought.

The bell rang and Virgil quickly got up. He grabbed his bag and went to grab his sketchbook. "Virgil, don't let me catch you drawing again." Virgil nodded and headed outside the classroom. He signed the drawing and waited for Patton and Roman. When they finally came out, he went over to Patton. "Here. Also, I should apologize for my friends about what happened in homeroom. They can be... extra." He handed over the drawing and Patton took it. "Thanks, Kiddo! And, you don't need to apologize for anything."

"Threatening a building with a desk is... Extra?" Roman raised a brow, keeping close to Patton. "And the other isn't much better..." Roman grumbled, glaring at Virgil. "You guys aren't up to something, right?" Roman asked again, forcefully.

"Dude, what's your deal? We may not be little perfect rays of sunshine but we're too busy focusing on school to actually do something bad. Technically, we haven't broken any rules and haven't hurt anyone. People just judge us so quickly before even getting to know us. You know what? Whatever. If I wanted to be accused of something I or my friends weren't even doing, I would've hanged out with you sooner." Virgil started walking away. Dee told him if he ever about to get caught, just make himself the victim and walk away. Dee has taught Virgil a lot of things about deceiving. Virgil had no use for it until now. Virgil felt like he was about to have an anxiety attack at any moment. First, he got yelled at. Then he got his sketchbook taken away. Lastly, he almost disappointed his friends by almost getting caught by Sir-Sings-A-Lot. Of course, he would have an anxiety attack.  He had to find the others before he did. Virgil rather not hide in a bathroom stall for an hour.

Patton turned to Roman and smacked the back of Roman's head. "Great! You made him feel accused. He's nicer than you think, Kiddo! Please think before talking, RoRo!"

Logan walked up to them with the most confused and shocked face. "Umm... You okay, Kiddo?" Patton looked at Logan with a confused and concerned face. Logan looked at the two boys and straighten up his posture and tie. "I just had the strangest math class ever."

"If it was anything like our English class, then do share Logan," Roman grumbled, feeling a bit bad. Roman turned and looked at Logan full-on, slightly rubbing the back of his head.

"Just..." Logan thought for a second before responding. "Just Remus... That's all I could say."

"The 'duke'? Care to explain?" Roman titled his head slightly in confusion. "He does a lot of things."

"Well, let me start from the beginning..." Logan started explaining what happened to the boys as they walked to their next classes.

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