Nurse's Office

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The Light's entered the nurse's office. There was no one in there besides the nurse himself. There were 2 white hospital beds, a medicine cabinet, a mini-fridge, and a desk that the nurse was sitting at. He was on his phone and looked up. The nurse's eyes went wide when he saw Roman. There was a big bruise on his neck. The nurse's autopilot kicked in and dropped his phone on the desk and rushed towards Roman. "Please have the boy sit on the bed over there. What the hell happened?" The nurse gestured towards one of the beds. Patton walked Roman towards that bed and forced him to sit down.  The nurse put on some medical gloves and a popsicle stick and rolled his chair towards Roman.

Roman looked at the nurse before sitting down. "Ran into something and hit my neck, landed really hard on my back to," Roman muttered, not knowing why he was covering Remus besides the fact that it was his fault for Remus coming over in the first place. "I was just distracted, that's all..."

Logan and Patton gave Roman a look but didn't say anything. "Well, it doesn't look like nothing seriously damage if you're able to talk. Also, darling, the bruise around your neck was not from banging it. That's a handprint. I understand if you don't want to tell me but the truth always comes out. Now, open wide so I can see how bad it is inside."

"It was my fault anyway..." Roman muttered. Any other day he would call out Remus on attacking him for no reason but he had a reason this time. He knew Virgil had pushed all the right buttons but he still shouldn't have smacked him. "I'm surprised. I'm still here..."

The nurse grabbed Roman's chin and pushed slightly to open his mouth. He put the stick in Roman's mouth to check inside his airway. Roma's throat was darker red than normal and more swollen then what it should be. "Honey, only my nephew Remus can cause this damage. He usually wouldn't attack unless you hurt his boyfriend or his best friend. Also, your throat isn't looking that great. I'm going to give you some medicine to lessen the swelling. I'm going to check your back now." Logan and Patton looked at each other. Logan spoke up. "I didn't realize Remus had family in this establishment." The nurse rolled his chair around the bed. "Oh, yeah. That's why he gets away with a lot of shit that he does. Plus, my brother is rich so that also helps. Roman, mind if I left up your shirt?"

Roman gagged a bit before nodding. "I thought Remus spent all the time with Dee... Ironically my dad is also rich." Roman almost shrugged but didn't, not wanting to get the nurse mad at him. "B-besides I did piss him off so... It was my fault..." He looked down at his lap, sighing softly.

The nurse chuckled. "Ah, so it was Remus. I just presume it was. But he doesn't spend all his time with just Dee, it's also Virgil. So, did you hurt Dee or Virgil?" Patton cleared his throat before speaking up. "Sir, will Roman and Remus get into trouble for this?" Patton was nervous. He didn't want Roman to get into trouble. He wished he stepped in between Roman's and Virgil's argument. If Patton did, maybe wouldn't be here right now. But Patton knows that it wasn't his fault, he just feels like it. "Oh, please! Don't call me sir, babe! It makes me feel old! Call me Remy. Now, Roman, I won't ask again. May I left off your shirt to check your back? I won't do it unless you don't want me too."

"Sure you can lift my shirt. I uh... a-accidentally smacked Virgil..." Roman muttered and leaned forward. "He just... Pushed all the wrong buttons so I smacked him across the face..." Roman shook his head. "Now I got to make amends for it. I don't- I don't know-how. God, if Dad knew, I don't know how he'd react."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Also, I know Virge has a way with his words. Probably going to talk to him later today. My nephew and I are really close so I'm close to his friends. Don't worry. I'm not pissed and I'm totally not going to poison your medicine." Remy chucked a bit. Try to give some lightheartedness into the situation. He lifted up Roman's shirt and saw bruises all down his back. "Holy shit, babe, you must have pissed Remus off badly. Again, I'm not surprised. There's nothing much I can do for your back besides give you advice and two icepacks. First, apologize to Virgil. He likes caramel chocolates and you'll be on his good side so fast that I won't be able to get my 5th coffee in an hour. Second, give Virgil a black rose because I think it'll be cute. Third, apologize to Remus and promise that you'll never lay a hand on Virgil again. Lastly, rest your back as much as you can and put icepacks when it bothers you. Painkillers will help but I don't commend taking them now. Your throat is too swollen for it. Definitely take them tomorrow though. You would feel like you're being killed once everything settles. I commend having some with water beside your bed before you go to sleep so you can have them in the morning."

"He did throw me into the lockers..." Roman chuckled slightly. "My acting helps with the pain. Now I feel like Dee... Ech." Roman shook his head. "Thank you for the advice. I shall take it to heart and use it as you say. Though that sounds a little romantic..."

"I'm a very romantic person, honey! I can't help with a little gay romance even if it's not supposed to be like that." Remy chuckled. Just then, Remy's phone rang. "Hey sweetie, mind if you hand me my phone? It might be important." He looked at Logan and Logan did as he asked. He went over to the desk, picked it up, and went over and gave the phone to Remy. Remy dropped Roman's shirt before grabbing the phone. He chuckled when he saw the contact info. "It's just my fiance. It's probably just him missing me. Thank you for the phone, dear." Remy placed the phone in his back pocket as he stood up. He went over to the mini-fridge and grabbed two icepacks. He handed them over to Roman. "You're going to stay here for the rest of this period but you can go afterward. Place them on your back and lay down on the bed. Now, for you two..." Remy looked towards the two other boys in the room. "It's adorable that you guys are worried and care for your friend but you, darlings, still have to go to class. I'll message the teacher or teachers explaining why you're late. I'll also inform your teacher, Roman, on why you're not in class." Remy walked over to his desk and pulled out his laptop from it. He opened it. "What classes do you have next to do you have next?" Logan straightens up his glasses. "Roman and I have Science with Mr. Rolo this period while Patton is in Math with Mx. Trace." Remy typed it out and sent it. He turned to the boys. "Now, go! Roman needs his rest. Come back afterward to check on him. Have a good rest of your day, babes!" Logan basically had to push Patton out of the office. "We love you, Roman! Feel better! Bye!" Patton yelled as he was being pulled away from it. Remy chuckled at the two. "Those would make a cute couple."

Roman laid down and managed the ice packs on his back with one arm before tensing at how cold and numb his back was. "Fuck, I hope this doesn't make me not able to participate in the next play! Ugh... Annoying Remus..." He muttered before sighing. "I wonder... if he didn't, you would kill it." Roman thought. He closed his eyes and let the events of the day tire him out until he fell asleep. Just before he fell asleep one thought wondered through his head. "Why did Remus hate me before I did anything to him or his friends..."

Author: Sorry for such a late update but like I said before you started this book, this is a roleplay. My roleplay partner (Aka LightingShadow12) haven't been busy, I have! So that's why I'm apologizing! I've already apologized to her like a lot! I have been busy with my math college class! BUT LUCKILY! I passed it with a 103% bc I did extra credit and I went over! May I add, I'm in 10th grade! ALSO, somehow, I was the only one that didn't cry in the class sooooooooo YAY!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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