Part 17

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Noor's summer house erly hrs

Author's pov

Noor and zoya were on zoya's car

Zoya: noor really ur summer house is here

Noor: hmmm

Zoya: noor

Noor: haa zoya i just went to sleep

Zoya: i don't think any house will be here we r far from city

Noor: ha zoya now time is 5am it is dark and covered with fog so u cant see anything
We are near

Zoya: and y r we going so erly

Noor: zoya i have some surprise plans for Arjun soo please we r near

Zoya: offo noor u and ur surprises i cant even had my sleep properly and im driving in this rough roads

Noor: zoya baby u will understand this when you have to make surprise ur boyfriend

Zoya smiles thinking of how she will do adi's birthday
And how that feels by seeing happy adi and she thought that she can do anything to make him happy

Noor: ahha now u r smiling
Zoya please tell me who is he

Zoya: noo when time comes i will say and also u  hided ur relationships with Arjun for complete 1 month
do u remember soo this is my time

Noor: ooo now u taking revenge haa

Zoya: not like that but i really want spend time with him, and i want to give my love to him and i want to feel his love
Now I'm literally regretting that y had behaved very foolish avoiding him before

Noor: then at least tell me do i know him

Zoya: noor leave that topic now
I can see the house there is that ur house

Noor: ha yes there

In house

Noor: zoya u take rest i have to prepare arjun's fav halwa

Zoya: when arjun will come then

Noor: i informed adi to bring arjun at by 8 so i have to prepare fast before they come

Zoya: so arjun is coming with adi

Zoya in mind
(so y cant i prepare any adi's fav dish may be he will be happy
What is his fav mmm...
Haa obviously his most fav chocolate cake when ever we go out he only prefer chocolate cake but i don't know how to prepare may be Google will help me)

Zoya: noor what r u preparing

Noor: halwa arjun's most fav dish

Zoya: then i also want to do something i will make chocolate cake

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